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Last one, there's a swerve.
- Wait for me. - Hurry up.
- Sure could go for a smurf in the river.
(ALL) Waffles, waffles, Waffles.
Waffles, Waffles.
Be patient. Waffle Wednesday is about to begin.
You can't rush perfection.
- Sure you can, chef.
Just stop smurfing and give us the waffles.
I'm hungry.
- Okay.
Okay. Uno e due...
And there. Bon apetito, Greedy!
- Hello, My pretty.
Perfectly browned nook to cranny ratio.
Excellent, indeed.
More. - It's coming.
It's coming.
What about you? Hefty. What do you say?
Huh? Hefty?
Hefty. Never misses Waffle Wednesday, huh?
And where's Handy?
- That was delicious before.
- It was like a waffle party in my mouth.
- What? What waffles are you talking about?
- Uh, waffles. Who said anything about waffles?
- You did?
- No, no, no, no. Uh, no, we said a ...
Waffles? - You've even got waffle crumbs on you.
- Those are waffle crumbs?
- Anyway, I don't know what Lily s murfs in her waffles, but they're
amazing! - A dash of ginger.
I think.
- You two are waffling traitors.
Unlike the rest of my faithful fans.
(ALL) Mm hmm.
Give me one, please. - Oh, no pushing, guys.
I've got plenty of waffles for everyone.
- Delicious. This can't be.
My waffles have always been the best.
She must be a witch.
Yes, that's it.
Chef. Why don't you just ask Lily what she's smurfing in her batter.
Nah, I prefer my witch theory.
She's not a witch.
She's lily.
Brainy. You don't get it.
I can't ask her.
Chef's never, ever, ever reveal their secret ingredients.
Why not?
The chef's code of honor.
So I'll just have to steal her recipe.
Dimwitty, telescope.
- Here you go. - Get it?
Oops. Sorry.
What am I worried about?
She's got such a tiny little stand.
She won't keep this up for long.
- Ta da! - Oh, thank you, Handy.
- A waffle truck?
She's going for the big time.
- Hey, Lily, - Could you smurf me another waffle?
- Sure thing. Hefty. Her secret must be in one of those jars.
I've got to get up closer.
- I never thought I'd love anything more than waffle Wednesday, but
waffle Wednesday afternoon.
- Just wait till waffle Wednesday evening.
- Thanks, Lil. - Me.
I don't like evenings.
- Smurfdelicious, huh?
Hm hm
hm hm hm. - Tree Hungry.
- And one for you. Treesmurf.
- Hey, Lil!
- Mm hmm. What is that I taste.
Lemon zest.
Powdered bumblebee wings?
Duh. I need to analyze the butter.
Ok, gang, I've brought you all together because you're
the very best at what you do.
- Wait. You said this was a special cheese tasting.
-Nah, this is more important than cheese.
We are going to break into Lilly's waffle truck.
- It can't be done.
You know how many have tried and failed?
- Yes. None.
- Okay. Let's say it could be done.
What's in it for me?
- I'll smurf you all the waffles you want for an entire week, Greedy
. - I'm in. - What about me?
- A fork with the cork stuck on the end,so you don't smurf out your
eye, Clumsy.
- I've always wanted one.
I'm in.
- And for you, Jokey, I'll smurf a cake that explodes when you cut
into it.
- I'm in.
What about Dunwoody here?
- Uhm?
- I don't know.
Some peanuts.
- Peanuts? I 'm in.
Listen closely.
Operation "Better Butter" starts at 9 p.m.
sharp. That's when Brainy makes his rounds.
Now, Greedy, you'll smurf into a barrel.
Then I'll push from the top of the bridge.
Timed perfectly to collide with Brainy.
You'll climb out and stop brainy inside the barrel, then take his
place and the smurf will squeeze a flash.
When you see the coast is clear, you'll signal to clumsy who will
smurf his whistle?
Jokey. That's your signal to sneak into Farmers field where you'll
release his herd of snails.
You'll be hidden by them till you get close to the truck.
Then Smurf the lug with one of your boxes.
And now Smurf will be a success.
Mm? - Uh, anyone else think this seems
awfully complicated?
- The chef's code of honor requires that stealing a recipe be smurfy
- So what's the plan?
Greedy. Get in the barrel.
You're going to smurf up the plan.
- I shouldn't have eaten that waffle.
I'm gonna smurf.
Ahhh! Oh, a flying present!
Uh, no. Ahh.
Now, how are we going to smurf the lock on the truck?
- Don't cry, chef.
It wasn't locked.
- Eh!!!
Nothing unusual there.
- Aha!
Lily is using a magical ingredient.
- You can see that?
- Of course not. That's what makes it magical.
- Mhm. - What?
It makes perfect sense.
She's cheating to make better waffles than me.
Just as the chef's code of honor requires.
- Gotta say this.
That code of honor seems a little fuzzy.
- I may not have smurfed her secret, but adding my special
flattening ingredient to her butter is perfect.
Because what are waffles without nooks and crannies?
- That's just starting to creep me out.
- Ha ha ha ha.
Huh? Where are all the nooks and crannies?
- Excellent question.
I don't know what happened, but my waffles wouldn't rise, so I've
decided to call them pancakes.
Have a taste. - Mm mm.
Oh, this is even better than a waffle.
Guys, it's Pancake Friday!
- Oh, yes, please. Can I have one?
Me too.
- No. No, no, no, no, no.
I've had it.
Enough is enough.
(Action music)
Have you lost your mind?
What are you smurffing?
- Something I should have smuffed a long time ago.
- Look over there.
I didn't know Chef could drive.
- He can't. Watch out.
No more waffles.
No more pancakes.
No one smurfing with me anymore.
- Watch out.
- Arggh!
- Giving up already, Lily.
- Hahahaha
Hold on, Shiff.
- To the rescue.
- We'll save you.
But why did you smurf my waffle truck?
- Because your waffles are better than mine.
- That's simply impossible.
I smurffed your recipe.
- My recipe?
- I wouldn't change something that's already perfect.
Why didn't you just ask me?
- Mm hm.
- Smurf that rope tight.
We've got it, but just barely.
Any little shift inside the truck and it's bye bye.
- Uhhhh!
- Gotcha.
- Chef. Let go of the ball.
- I could never let perfect butter like this go.
- Just let it go, Cheff. Always make more butter.
- No. You think so?
All right.
- Urgghhh!
- We'll smurf some together.
(ALL) Hooray! Yeah!
- Hey, what day is it today?
- You're in for a treat. It's waffle Wednesday.
- I still don't understand.
If you use my recipe, why did everyone love your waffles more
than mine? - Perhaps because I smurfed them in a heart shape.
- Mmm? Mm hm.
Los pitufos en inglés
28 Episodios
Funny Mommy
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
The Round Up
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 25 sec
Waffle Wednesday
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Adventures in Smurfsitting
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Chef Soup
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Kitchen klutz
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
The majestic 5
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
The pluffs! Part 2
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Bringing up Smurfy
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
The pluffs! Part 1
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
The makeover
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Leaf it alone
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Smurf your seat belts!
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
My smurf the hero
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Alien smurf
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Smurfs in disguise (ex: some like it not)
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Joke's on you
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Clumsy Not Clumsy
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Unsmurfable Smile
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
The Scariest Smurf
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Order Of Merit
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Flying Ace
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Lab Assistant
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Smurfboards The Smurfs
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
The Smurfs Show - Part 2
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Adventures in Smurfsitting
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Chef Soup
Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec
Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.
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Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.
Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:
Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.
Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:
Los pitufos en inglés
Azules y pequeños, con solo tres manzanas de altura, los Pitufos pueden ser difíciles de distinguir al principio.
Azules y pequeños, con solo tres manzanas de altura, los Pitufos pueden ser difíciles de distinguir al principio. Sin embargo, cada Pitufo es un individuo distinto con su propia personalidad, ¡sus nombres lo dicen todo.
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