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  4. El show de Baby Shark en inglés - The masked fishy
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    Seguir viendo El show de Baby Shark en inglés
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Para todos los públicos The masked fishy
Transcripción completa

# Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# Baby Shark #

# And this is my show, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# That's my mom, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# That's my dad, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# That's William! # Woo-hoo!

# We live here # # Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# We do fun things # # Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# And through it all # #Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo #

# We dance and sing! #

# This is Baby... # # Baby... #

# Shark's... Big... Show... #

#Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! ##

It was a day just like any other...

William Watson and I had wrapped up another fishy case

on the mean streets of Carnivore Cove.

Detective Baby Shark, you’re thinking out loud again...

Huh? Oh! (Clears throat)


And then she swam in.

Of all the detective agencies in town,

she had to swim into ours.

Actually, we’re the only detective agency in town...

Yeah... so it kind of made sense.

Oh, Detective Baby Shark and William Watson!

I do hope you can help me!

Oh, what seems to be the problem?

I’m putting on a new play...

“Oceans of Obscurity”...

And... oh, oh!

It’s too awful to say...

So I’ll sing it!

# The stage has gone dark

# at the opera house tonight...

# And I fear the worst

# for the role of my life

# There’s... a...

# Masked Fishy destroying my show

# There’s a Masked fishy

# At all my rehearsals

# They’ve covered the stage in a bubbly haze

# There’s sand in our costumes

# And my curtain won’t raise!

# I blame the Masked Fishy

# Causing this fright

# And it’s the Masked fishy

# Who could ruin opening night

# The props are all gone

# Now you know why I had to do this in song!

# I need your help Detective Shark and William Watson

# Let’s catch the Masked Fishy

# Please?? Let’s catch the Masked Fishy!

# Can you help me catch the...

# Masked fishy... ##

Well we can’t say no after that.

We’ll help you unmask this Masked Fishy!

I’m so excited to see Goldie’s play!

And also sink my teeth into a mystery.

Let’s interview the suspects.

Also known as: everyfishy here.

Get back! Get thee gone!

What have we here?

Two fine actors?

Uh huh. Hank’s playing the lead role

and I’m the comic relief.

Have you seen anything suspicious lately?

You mean the Masked Fishy!

Whenever I’m about to go on stage,

they cut the lights out.

I heard a rumor that this Opera House is...



And what do you think?

I think it’s all in our minds.

It can’t be Chucks.

He’s too chill to pull off a caper of this caliber...

And Hank? Forget about it!

He’s too sweet.


Just look at him!


Next suspect!



Have you noticed anyfishy around here who’s acting...

...well, fishy?

Maybe Shadow.

I heard he auditioned for the lead role,

but Hank got it instead.

- (Both) Shadow.


- Yep! Somefishy’s trying to sabotage the play.

Can’t say I blame ‘em.

Didn’t you try out for the lead role?

Could this be a case of the jellies?

I’m not jealous.

I might not be happy selling snacks for the play,

but I’m not trying to ruin it.

We’d swum into our toughest case yet.

We’d hit stormy waters.


Uh, you good, Baby Shark?

Don’t worry about it.

It’s his process.

Places everyfishy!

It’s our last rehearsal before opening night tonight!

- Time to take the stage!

- (All gasp)

- (Evil laugh)

Could it be...?!

The Masked Fishy!

This is our chance to catch them red-finned!

Abandon the play now!

Or you’ll regret the day you ever swam fin into this theatre!

(Evil laugh)

# Did you like all my mischief?

# No? Well, there will be more if...

# You don’t stop your precious play

# Ha ha!! Or I could end this production

# With a bit of destruction

# Lights out fishies

# It’s time to pay

# It’s my opera house

# And you will shut this down

# Sorry Goldie! It’s the end, you’ll see

# It’s the fin-ale

# Get it?? It’s time to stop this little play or

# it’ll be lights out!

# You've disobeyed my wishes fishies

# swim away right now

# Or you’ll regret the day you ever

# swam into my house!

# So end it or lights out, take your final bow! ##

They got away!

Who could’ve done this?!

- Maybe we should do what Maskeroonie says

and call the whole thing off!

- No! It’s like my old nemesis Joan Crawfish always said...

The show must flow on.

We’re running out of time, Detective Baby Shark!

The only fishy with a motive

and a suspicious looking mug is Shadow.

It must be him.

We just need the proof to prove it.


Surely he left some evidence behind...


The mask, of Masked Fishy fame!

And it has a sticky snack stain on it.

By jelly, we’ve got him!

We suspected you were the Masked Fishy and now we have proof.

Put the mask on him, William Watson!


Er, doesn’t quite fit...

Er, no... Still not fitting.

See? It’s not me!

But... your secret resentment...

your sneaking backstage...

your general air of up-to-no-good-ness!

I only sneak backstage

‘cause I like pretending to be in the play!

But if it’s not you...

whomst is it?!

- (Sighs)

The audience is arriving

and we still haven’t caught the culprit!

Should we just cancel the show?

- Guess so...


Eureka! Everyfishy meet me backstage!

I’ve figured out who the culprit is!



I owe you an apology.

I made an assumption about you

because you’ve done so much bad stuff in the past.

Well when you put it that way, I take it as a compliment.

- Then who pray-tell is the masked fishy?


Who, me?

- It can’t be. Hank’s the sweetest.

That’s what I assumed too.

But then I noticed Hank eating orange snacks

that matched the stain on the mask.

And as the star of the play,

Hank’s the only fishy who had access to every part of the stage.

But how do you explain the Masked Fishy’s deep voice?

Have you ever heard Hank with a cold?

When he gets stuffed up, his voice changes.

Hey! That’s not...

- True!

- Wooaaahhhh...

(All gasp)

- He is the Masked Fishy!

- (Sighs)

Yes it was me.

The truth is... I have stage fright.

I didn’t want to be the star of the show,

but I also didn’t want to let you down, Goldie...

it was a fear sandwich!

I’m sorry.

- Oh, there there, darling, I forgive you.

The only issue is...

who’s going to be my star now?!

I might know somefishy who’s ready to shine...

# This is my chance to step into the spotlight

# My chance to sing and dance!

# This is my chance to help my fellow fishies

# Concessions are for Hank...

# The show will flow on!

# My chance to truly say sorry

# This is my chance

# to sell delicious snacks!

# And I financed this show with my own money

# But it really paid off, honey!

# So... The show will flow on

# Oooh... Our chance to be better detectives

# This is our chance to learn from our mistakes!

# No more advance... No! ...judgements we won’t make ‘em

# ‘til all evidence is taken then

# The show can flow on! Flow on, flow on

# Flow on, flow on... Woo!

# Flow on and say what you mean

# Flow on, flow on

# Flow on fishies, shine a little brighter

# The whole wide water will be a bit brighter... woo!

# So flow on and be the best fishy you can be

# Flow On! Flow On!

# This is your chance... My chance to be in the spotlight

# My chance to really say sorry to ya

# My chance to be a Prima Donna

# Our chance to give everyfishy a chance

# Our chance... My chance!

# You can do do do do do it...

# So flow on!


My what twisted tails we tell in this dramatic undercurrent.

The only thing I know is that I can’t know it all.

But I love to solve a mystery,

and as long as I’m swimming...

That’s what I’m gonna doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!

Baby Shark are you talking to yourself?

Let him have this.

- Muahaha!

At last!

My most beautiful creation is complete...

the Mecha-Me! Hahaha...

With this, I will finally take over Carnivore Cove

and force everyfishy to learn my name.

Hm-hm... Rise my handsome menace!


Argh! No power!

A robot this big will need a super-sized battery.

Costello, do you mind?

I’m trying to plot my evil takeover here.

- Sorry Vigo. I’m watching The Best Friends Game.

- Congratula-fins, best friends!

You’ve won the grand prize: a Super Battery!

- D-d-d-did she say “Super Battery?”

- That’s right! This Super Battery can power anything you need!

From a karaoke machine...

...to a huge mechanized squid!

If you’re into that sort of thing.

- I am into that sort of thing!

To The Best Friends Game!

I’m so excited to watch the game show today!

(Gasps) Baby look!

At last!

We’re all signed up for the gameshow!

It’s, uh... what’s his name again?

Vigo! What’s he doing here?

Once we win The Best Friends Game,

the Super Battery will be ours!

And then we’ll conquer Carnivore Cove!


They’re gonna use that gameshow prize for evil!

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Yup! This looks like a job for...

Super Shark and Captain Kelp!

Ms. Whirlpool, do you have room on your show for two more best friends?

It’s a superhero emergency.

Well I can’t say no to that.

Welcome to...

The Best Friends Game!


The teams will compete to see who’s the best set of best friends.

Will it be local heroes Super Shark and Captain Kelp?

Or ordinary citizens Costello and Gary?

- Vigo! My name is V...

- That means it’s time for Round One...

Fin-ship Trivia!

Where we test who knows their buddy the best.

With our super fin-ship we’ll win for sure!

Just remember the plan, Costello...

- Question one: What is your best friend’s favorite smoothie?

Super Shark loves super berry fruit smoothies with extra bubbleberries,

extra swirlberries,

and two fin-fuls of sliced squidapples.

All made while singing of course.

It’s a match! Nicely done.

Costello, same question.

- Vigo’s favorite smoothie is...


He hates smoothies!

- Yup!

- Looks like a match to me!

Next up, finish this sentence,

“The best part of our fin-ship is...”

Super Shark and Captain Kelp, what have you got for me?

(Both) Loving and supporting each other!

- Boom! That’s a match!

What about our second team?

- (Both) Doing whatever Vigo says!

- Correct again!


This is a close one. Last question:

If your best friend could be anything in the whole wide water,

what would they be?

- Vigo would be...


That’s a match!

You answered all the questions right!

Captain Kelp, your turn.

If Super Shark could be anything, he would be...

An astro-fish wizard who dabbles in construction

and carries a briefcase full of chum-yums!

Wrong answer!

The correct answer was “An astro-fish wizard

who dabbles in construction

and carries a briefcase full of...

kelp snacks.

Kelp snacks?!

I totally forgot!

This round goes to Costello and Tommy!

- Vigo!

Arrrr... I can’t believe we’re losing at fin-ship!

Now it’s time for Round Two...

The Best Friends Dance Off!

A Dance Off? This round is ours for sure.

Super Shark and Captain Kelp,

show us how in sync you are!

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Let’s do the Bubble Shuffle! Let’s do the Fin Floss!

(Both) Wait... what... What did you say?

Let’s do the Bubble Shuffle! Let’s do the Fin Floss!

Uh... okay let’s just figure it out on the dance floor!



Oh no... This isn’t working!

Our flow is flopped!

Hmmm... fin-teresting free-styling...

Okay. New plan! Let’s give them a big finale!

Shark Strength!



My hero...

Well that was something.

Let’s see what our second team’s got.

Uh... Okay so maybe that wasn’t our best dancing.

But it has to be better than whatever Vigo and Costello do.

I mean they’re evil. Evil fishies can’t dance!

# Ahh...

# I got a friend, and yes he’s the bestest

# My forever plus one on the guest list

# Perfect pair, always equal fifty fifty

# Except I’m the boss and he’s my hench fishy

# They say that one is the loneliest number

# For a fishy, squid or sea cucumber

# Right fin fishy? Yes I’m second in command

# I’m the star side kick to the master plan

# Two peas in a pod Two pearls in an oyster

# And we always win, so sorry for the spoiler

# Hey there goes my best friend

# Secret tail shakes and high-fins!

# Yes there goes my best friend

# Now we’re flowing, run it again!

# Hey there goes my best friend

# Secret tail shakes and high-fins!

# Yes, there goes my best friend

# Now we’re flowing, run it again!

# Yeah fishy! Every fishy thinks that I’m a villainous squid

# But they don’t know I have a heart this big

# Yes friendship, is my middle name

# Thats why I’ll always be there, when he takes the blame

# Two peas in a pod Two pearls in an oyster

# And we always win, so sorry for the spoiler

# Hey there goes my best friend

# Secret tail shakes and high-fins!

# Yes there goes my best friend

# Now we’re flowing, run it again!

# Yeah fishy! ##


- (Groans)

- Wow! Just wow! That settles it.

The winner of The Best Friends Game is...

Costello and Max!

- My name is...

Oh... never mind... Yippee!


- The grand prize is yours!

Enjoy your one of a kind, ultra convenient,

somewhat random... Super battery!

- At last!

With this Super Battery I can finally power up my...

Uh, very not evil karaoke machine!


Costello, let’s ride!

- (Grunts)

I can’t believe it.

We lost.

I guess our fin-ship isn’t so fin-tastic after all...

(Both sigh)

(Both) Huh?

Whoa! What’s going on?

Seems like trouble to me.

Let’s flow!

Super Shark, look!

Carnivore Cove is no more!

Behold... Vigo’s Cove!

With this sticker sprayer,

my face will be everywhere!




They’re going to take over the whole town!

But what can we do? We couldn’t even win The Best Friends Game!

Breaking news!

I’ve been sticker-ed!

Oh no!

We’ll save you, Mom...

I mean Ms. Manta!

Fishy Fierce!

Shark Strength!

Oooo! Wow, thanks!

You two are a super team!

She’s right. We are a super team.

We don’t need to win a gameshow to prove we’re best buds!

Yeah, we’ve got a one-of-a-kind fin-ship.

Okay. It’s time for us to do what we do best and...

(Both) Save the day!

Hold it right there Vigo!

There is nothing you can do, super fools.


Mecha-Me is unstoppable! Haha!

Tell that to our Bubble Shuffle!


What the devilfish?!

We’ve lost power!

And get a load of our Fin Floss!


- We’re going down!

- Oh no!

(Both) Uffff... Aaahhh...

(Both) Ugghhhh... Bleghhhh...

Your reign is over, Vigo!

You... Hey what’s that on your tentacle?


Those are the answers from the Fin-ship Trivia!

You cheated!

Fine, yes. We cheated. Happy?

I knew it!

There’s no way you could beat us at the Best Friends Dance Off!

Oh, we actually practiced quite a bit for that... heh heh...

Costello’s a real Fin Astaire.

- Excuse me! Pardon me!

Gameshow emergency!

I heard everything! You two are disqualified!

This prize goes to the true Best Best Friends...

Super Shark and Captain Kelp!



Are you thinking what I’m thinking, best bud?

(Both) Superhero best friend karaoke!

(Both) Oh yeah!

El show de Baby Shark en inglés

16 Episodios

  • The best friends game

    The best friends game

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The masked fishy

    The masked fishy

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 50 sec

  • The welcome wagon

    The welcome wagon

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • A tail of two fathers

    A tail of two fathers

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 49 sec

  • Swimming With The Sharks

    Swimming With The Sharks

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • A Mail Whale Tale

    A Mail Whale Tale

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 50 sec

  • Buds At First Bite

    Buds At First Bite

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Operation Mom Appreciation

    Operation Mom Appreciation

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 50 sec

  • Lagoon Lemonade

    Lagoon Lemonade

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 19 sec

  • Shark Prank

    Shark Prank

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 49 sec

  • Bad Hank

    Bad Hank

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • Shark Day's Night

    Shark Day's Night

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 50 sec

  • The seaweed sway

    The seaweed sway

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 50 sec

  • Flow bros

    Flow bros

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • William manta: news fish

    William manta: news fish

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 49 sec

  • Sleeping like a baby

    Sleeping like a baby

    El show de Baby Shark en inglés10 min, 18 sec

El show de Baby Shark en inglés - The masked fishy


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre El show de Baby Shark en inglés

El show de Baby Shark en inglés

El show de Baby Shark en inglés

La serie explora el mundo de Baby Shark con la familia de tiburones Shark: La Mamá Shark, el Papá Shark, los abuelos Shark y el Bebé Shark

La serie explora el mundo de Baby Shark con la familia de tiburones Shark: La Mamá Shark, el Papá Shark, los abuelos Shark y el Bebé Shark. Los personajes, en su vida animal, viven distintas aventuras bajo el mar, hacen amigos y cantan originales melodías.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 17:55 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.