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  4. Slugterra en inglés - Keys to the kingdom
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Para todos los públicos Keys to the kingdom
Transcripción completa

Okay, what part of "Pronto must never go home to Molemound"

did you not understand?

"Mole up," Pronto.

We have more... urgent matters to attend to.


If these people don't move, someone's gonna get hurt.

Molenoids of Molemound!

For your safety,

please take cover and leave El Diablos Nacho to the Shane Gang.

Why aren't the Molenoids concerned for their safety?

Pronto is not like other Molenoids.

They see what they want to see.

And there is only one of us in danger here... me!

You can't outrun your past, Pronto.

...but whatever you did here couldn't have been that bad.


It's our king!

-(crowd chatter)

-Hail King Pronto!

-(all) Pronto is their King?!

(awkward giggle)






Pronto's their King?

No wonder he refers to himself in the third person.

And has delusions of grandeur.

Uh, guys?

Did the underground say why Blakk sent Nacho to Molemound?

Nope. What are Molenoids known for?

Weak eyes.

Blocked pores.

Largest collection of maps in Slugterra.

Pasty complexions? Oh wait, that last one!

Score another win for the Shane Gang.

Nacho's gone.

But he was kicking out butts.

Why'd he run?

'Cause he's smart enough to know he wouldn't

get another lucky shot in.


Er... (stammering)

Ugh, he'll be impossible to live with now.

At least his majesty doesn't refer to himself

with the royal "we."

Don't give him any ideas.

Surely you jest.

Pronto would never put on airs.

As heir to the Molemound throne,

you must take it!


Guys, Nacho left a trail we could follow

all the way across Slugterra.

That is not the way out of Molemound!

That is the Path to Wisdom...

which leads to the Vault of Knowledge?

The repository of all Molenoid information,

including the Mappae Mundi,

the famed Molenoid map of everything!


Every cavern, tunnel, bridge,

shortcut, and hidey-hole in Slugterra.

That's gotta be what Dr. Blakk sent Nacho here to find.

If I'm right about Blakk being in league with the Darkbane,

that map could give him other routes to the Dark Caverns.

We can't allow that.

Lucky thing "King" Pronto

could order his whole army after Nacho.

No, the Molenoid King does not command armies.

He serves his people, paw-and-foot,


Eight years backlog,

and those toilets ain't gonna plunge themselves!

-(all laughing)

Pronto is not amused.

Listen, not to worry, folks.

The Shane Gang will take on Nacho

and save your Mappae Mundi.

(all gasp)


Pronto, you can sort this "King" stuff out later,

but Nacho has a big head start and we need to move!

That life is over now, your Highness.

Now that you have finally returned to us,

you must face up to your obligations.

Oh, well, there you go.

That's it, you see. I'm booked solid!

Wall-to-wall adventures, right through

the middle of the next decade.

So, you know, there's that.

And if I'm going to find Nacho and save your map,

I need my talented tracker.


(crowd chatter)


Sire, you may draw your friends a map to the map.


Here is... (stammering)

We are here, it is there.

(sniffling) (sighs)

Hmm, we're playing catch-up.

"Ignorance is Bliss."

Molenoid motto.

Well, our bliss requires Blakk's ignorance.

After you.

This can't be right.

Well, he did just scribble

that thing together in three seconds.


If this is the Path to Wisdom,

no wonder the Molenoids prefer ignorance.

We could've really used Pronto to get through this maze.

(angry crowd chatter)

-Sorry, but today is "random complaints" day.

Come back tomorrow for "wardrobe malfunctions."


Is this Pronto's destiny?

To spend my days ruling over

the most boring matters

in all of Slugterra?

And your evenings repairing everything

that needs fixing around here.

(groans) I don't want to be king!

You will not have to worry about that

for long...

No trace of Nacho.

Must be pretty far ahead.

We need to pick up the pace.

How's Nacho know where to go?

We have Pronto's map.

What does Nacho have?

Ask him.

I thought we were goners.

Must be dumb luck we got away.

Uh, any guesses?

Maps always have a riddle or cleverly hidden clue

to point the way in cases like this.

Now let me see... How would Pronto think?

Found it!


It says "100" right on the pack,

but I only count 98.

Yeah, well, once I got 92.

Cry me a river. Next!

My co-worker looked at me funny.

There! She's doing it again!

(sighs) I now pronounce you man and wife.


My faucet's been dripping for the last 2,927 days,

and you have to fix it, your Majesty.

Six on the dot. Don't be late!

And don't track in dirt like the last King.

Which reminds me... Bring a mop.

What is wrong with us?

Don't we Molenoids know how to do anything?!

My Liege,

they are not used to thinking for themselves.

That's always been the king's job.

Ignorance is bliss, right?

But I don't have to tell you that...

Unless you think I should.

I mean, you are the King.

What do you think I should do?


We're supposed to keep climbing.

Yeah? Well, we ain't climbing that.

You're right. We're going to have to float up.

It's Nacho!

Guys, Nacho's going the wrong way!

Maybe he knows a shortcut.

Yeah, maybe we should follow Nacho.


Sealed. We're here first.

Huh, I was expecting it to be,

you know, grander.

Now how do we get in?

The doors are covered in smolten.

Remember this guy?

Your Forgesmelter! Perfect!

Look at all this stuff!

Well, dig in.

You see, she says potayto,

and I say potahto.

Ugh, that's it!

I'm calling this whole thing off!


I quit!

But Majesty,

the law is very clear.

His Majesty can quit,

but first he must find

a volunteer to take his place.

But no one is foolish enough to volunteer for this!

If it is foolish to desire a life of service to one's people,

call me a fool...

but I volunteer!


My life-long nemesis?

It is my honor to pick up the Mole-King mantle

and hereby lay claim to the Kingship!

Uh... I un-quit!

(crowd gasp)

-And you are...?

You know full well that I am Pronto...

the mole who humiliated you in the Slug Run?


This does not ring a bell.

Oh, okay, maybe this will clear the wax from your ears.

Pronto, former heir to the Molemound throne...

and now your king!

Ah, yes,

you wear the crown of the King.

A little big for you, no?

We think perhaps it would fit us better.

The royal "we?" No!

How dare you presume to be like Pronto...

we... uh... us!


Then we challenge you...

for the Kingdom.

-(crowd gasp)

He can do that?

It is all very legal, I assure you.

-Indeed, the challenge must be met,

or Sedo, unopposed, shall become our new king!

-(crowd gasp)

Then 'His Highness' accepts your challenge!

Slugs at five paces.

And may the best mole win.

Not if Pronto has his way.

His Majesty was challenged,

and so has first pick.

You knew I would go for the shiny one,

so perhaps this is what you wish me to do.

Therefore I should choose the other.

But you are a crafty opponent,

and you know Pronto is smart

and would think many moves ahead.

And so you must really want me to choose the shiny one!

Or do you?

You think you can outwit your King

by making him doubt himself.

But it is I who have outwitted you,

my wily nemesis.

You choose first!

Don't ask me why,

but I honestly thought you'd go for the other one.

Five paces,

turn, and duel.

One... two...

three... four...



Find something?

Not the map... Something else.

Can we hurry up before Nacho realizes his mistake?

He's already here.

-Thanks for leadin' the way.


You were a step ahead the whole time!

No, he wasn't.

He tailed us.

It was an elaborate fake-out,

and we fell for it.

Now hand over the map.

Don't have it!

But if you want to help us search,

we could use the extra hands.

I prefer to work alone!

Guys, grab onto something!

Yoohoo, King what's-your-face!

Come out and face me like a mole!

Grr! Get in!


Ha! I shall smite you with my Kingly might!

Oh! What the...?

That's it!

What's "it?"



Eli... run!!

Surrender, scoundrel!

Sedo does not know the meaning of the word!

Then as king,

I shall work to improve the schools!

I... ugh...


-Hand it over.

What does Blakk want with it?

This slug has caused me a lot of trouble.

Hand me the map or it's paste.


Stop! Take it.

But whatever Blakk has planned, he won't get away with it!

Eli, don't!

Sorry, Trix. It's the only way.

Buzzsaw, help them out.

Guys, this place is coming down!



(all gasp)

-You would not blast an unarmed mole!

Say my name, or smell the consequences.

Your name, little mole, is toast.

(grunts) (screams)

(all gasp)


You remind me of someone...

a nosey little mole whose interference

put me in the red with Blakk.

Yes, that was me!

Hmm... I think not.

A mole that stands in my way would be much more imposing.

(whimpers) That's it. I quit!

But of course you do.




So, the sum total of Molenoid history...

Yeah. That can't be good.

Plus, Nacho got the map.


He's not the only one who knows how to pull a bait-and-switch.



I hope your friends beat Nacho to the Mappae Mundi.

Then it will be my pleasure, and not that brutish fellow's,

to hand the map over to Dr. Blakk.

Dr. Blakk?!

Yes, my benefactor has given me a second chance

to be his second chance.

And with Dr. Blakk's backing,

this King won't be clearing drains

and settling petty squabbles for the "little moles."

That tears it!

I un-quit!

Ah-ah, no take backs!


But I had my fingers crossed when I said "I quit."

Ah! It does not count.



Ah, the finger-cross double-cross.

Curse that Molenoid rule!

He attacked our royal personage.

Justice demands that we whack this mole!

The royal "we?"

Folks, really sorry, but your people's history is...


(crowd mumbling)


Oh no...

Ah, yes!



A somewhat indirect smiting, your majesty.

Yes, another senseless victim of secondhand smote.

Oh no... Eli?

The Mappae Mundi, Your Majesty.

It holds dangerous secrets.

I urge you to destroy it

so Dr. Blakk can never come after it again.

You want me to eliminate

the last surviving fragment of Molenoid history?

Can I do that?

Actually... you can.

The missing chapter of the Book of Molemound...

It's been lost for ages!

Ah, what-the-hey. Ignorance is bliss, right?


So what does the new chapter say about the King

going on adventures with his friends, maybe?

It says that if the King is absent

or unable to perform his duties as required,

he must appoint a proxy.


Then I dub thee, Sedo, keeper of the keys...

royal stopper of leaks,

and decider of all things squabbly and petty.

Of course, questions of Molemound policy

will remain with the King...


You again...



"Majesty" will do...

although I would have accepted "my Liege"

and... or "your Highness."

Nacho really played us.

Too predictable.

So we'll change up our game.

That's not what bothers me.

The Mappae Mundi didn't just

point the way to the deep caverns.

It marked the location of the drop.

What if Blakk doesn't want to go deeper?

What if he's searching for a way to the surface?

Yeah, but since the one-and-only copy of the map is toast,

Blakk's not going anywhere, right?

Hey, if you destroyed the original map...

what does Nacho have?



Slugterra en inglés

45 Episodios

  • Slug Fu showdown Part I

    Slug Fu showdown Part I

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Return of the elementals Part III

    Return of the elementals Part III

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Return of the elementals Part II

    Return of the elementals Part II

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Return of the elementals Part I

    Return of the elementals Part I

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Ghoul from beyond Part II

    Ghoul from beyond Part II

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Ghoul from beyond Part I

    Ghoul from beyond Part I

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Dark as Night

    Dark as Night

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Light as day

    Light as day

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Bandoleer of brothers

    Bandoleer of brothers

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Back to blakk

    Back to blakk

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Upgrade


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • It comes by night

    It comes by night

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Lightwell


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The thrill of the game

    The thrill of the game

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Keys to the kingdom

    Keys to the kingdom

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Mission: improbable

    Mission: improbable

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • King of sling

    King of sling

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Slugball


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The return

    The return

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • What lies beneath

    What lies beneath

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • The hard part

    The hard part

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • No exit

    No exit

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • The gentleman and the thief

    The gentleman and the thief

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Dark water, deep water

    Dark water, deep water

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The unbeatable master

    The unbeatable master

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Roboslugs


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • The journey home

    The journey home

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • A distant shore

    A distant shore

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Inheritance


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Snowdance


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The new kid part 2

    The new kid part 2

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The new kid - part 1

    The new kid - part 1

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Zombis


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Undertow


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Endangered species

    Endangered species

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Mario bravado

    Mario bravado

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Shadows and light

    Shadows and light

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Deadweed


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Mecha mutiny

    Mecha mutiny

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The slug run

    The slug run

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Club slug

    Club slug

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 39 sec

  • The slugout

    The slugout

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The trade

    The trade

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The world beneath our feet. part 2

    The world beneath our feet. part 2

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The world beneath our feet part 1

    The world beneath our feet part 1

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

Slugterra en inglés - Keys to the kingdom


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Slugterra en inglés

Slugterra en inglés

Slugterra en inglés

Eli Shane es un joven que llega a Slugterra con la intención de convertirse en el mejor lanzador de babosas, unas criaturas mágicas para duelos.

Eli Shane es un joven que llega a Slugterra con la intención de convertirse en el mejor lanzador de babosas, unas criaturas mágicas entrenadas para duelos. Allí, formará su equipo de lanzadores para convertirse en uno de los mejores.

En Clan TV En la web y apps del canal.