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  4. Slugterra en inglés - Slug Fu showdown Part I
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Para todos los públicos Slug Fu showdown Part I
Transcripción completa



(Engines revving)

Coming up on the distress call location now!

Do you think it has anything to do

with the new villain we've been hearing rumors about?

(SCREAMS) Turtle! Turtle!!!

(CHUCKLES) Turtle?

We shall simply feed it a few pieces of lettuce and--



(YELPS) We're going to need more lettuce.


# Slugterra! #



# Slugterra! #


# Slugterra! #


Now that... is a TON of Turtle!


I don't think it's actually trying to hurt anybody.

It's just getting something to eat.

Okay gang, let's scare this...

Turtle-ton away from this town.

Pronto has it covered.

(Blasting and transforming)


What, eck, (MUMBLES) I'm having a... bit of trouble here, hang on!


That shell is far too strong for our slugs!



I think Turtleton's found his next meal!


Guys, help me out.


I thought we talked about removing Jellyish slugs from your arsenal!?

And I said, "Jellyish and Pronto

got to stick together!"

Exactly! That's the problem!

Better hurry, friends!


On three! One. Two. Three!!

Gaah! My pants!

Forget them, Pronto!

But they're my only pants!

Eh, dude, you may not want to watch...


AAAHHH! My pants.

My, my pants.


I know buddy.

I know. I lost a pair of pants once too.

Best pants in all of Slugterra.

We'll get you a new pair. How's that sound?

(SOBS) I don't want a new pair. I want those ones.


We need to knock that creature back onto its shell.

With what?

Maybe we should use one of the Elementals?

The Elementals!

Be careful Eli, the Elementals are hard to control.


Yeah! They've been pretty feisty lately!

I guess now that they've seen some action again,

they're a little over-eager to let loose.


Right, except you Doc.

I guess you're used to this kind of action.

But the others- (CHIRPS)

Okay! Okay!


(Blasting and transforming)





It's causing more damage than the Turtleton did!

The Elemental is not responding to my Slug Fu.

I'll stop him!

(Blasting and transforming)


Hey! Let's calm it down now pal!


Your gift for communicating with the slugs is truly amazing Eli.

But, you will need to master control

if you are ever to command the Elementals.

I don't know Junjie,

commanding slugs isn't really my style.

It must become your "style",

you must learn Slug Fu.

You said Slug Fu didn't work on the Elementals.

It is true, with all my training

the Elemental still would not obey my commands.

But I believe Eli's special bond with the slugs

may enable him to achieve something that I cannot.

That all sounds great and all,

but Eli, when are we going to go find your dad?

And what about those rumors

of a new bad guy skulking around the distant caverns?

That needs to be checked out too.

Pronto also needs some pants.

The gang's right Junjie,

I can take the time to learn Slug Fu after we rescue my dad...

But until I figure out where he is...

Eli, the journey to find your father

will most likely require you to use the Elementals.

You must have learned to control them

before we all embark on that quest.

Come on, they're not that out of control--


Slug-Fu, huh?

Awwh! Fire sale on pants!!

When do we start?

Your training begins now!

Ho! Ho! Ho!! Check me out, yo!


Ah huh!

5 bucks says he loses them in 3 days.


Mmm, hmmm!



Alright everybody, let's go learn some Slug Fu.

No. Mastering Slug-Fu requires one-on-one training.

You and I must leave together without your friends.

(Angry walla)

So just me and my slugs?

I'm sorry,

you must leave your slugs with them too.

Even Burpy?

Especially Burpy.

You know too much about each other.

It will complicate learning the Slug-Fu technique.


You think this is a good idea bro?

I'm not sure, but you were right earlier Kord,

those rumors of a new villain in the distant caverns;

someone's gotta look into that.


Can you guys at least try to behave until I get back?

Hmm. Do not worry.

New Pants Pronto knows just what to do!

The Elementals are going nowhere.


Ha ha, good thing Eli left this to Pronto!

To deal with the Elemental slugs,

you need a firm hand,

new pants AND a secret weapon!!!



Where'd Pronto get another Jellyish?!




Yes, no doubt they have learned some respect now that I have -




(Music and struggle)


We will see who is laughing

when I teach these Elementals a lesson with...


Slug Fu.

You? (CHUCKLES) Slug Fu?

Oh yeah. Pronto's been training himself -

I've been, uh...

"documenting" his routines.


(LAUGHS) Interesting technique, Pronto.

I like how you use your face to break your fall. (LAUGHS)

You do not understand.

It is my OWN brand of Slug-Fu. Behold!

The Power of Pronto Fu!





Yoooooooohhhh! (KUNG FU NOISES)



What, huh, (SHOUTING)

ha ha! Hooh!


Hey, wait! (GRUNTS)


Well... let's go get 'em.



So this is where I'm gonna learn Slug Fu?

No. First we must collect new slugs. Observe...


This is how my seifu taught me.




(SIGHS) You see? Now you.

Hey, uh... anyone else in there?

I could really use your help.

Any slug down there interested in joining me

for some fun and a little action?

Ah?no no, you misunderstand.

First you must?


Go on... What do I need to do first?

This is not how I was trained...

... but it is effective.

I can see why you are the Shane.

Clearly you have a special gift for bonding with slugs?

Thanks, I guess it's something that I learned from my father.

Burpy? You stowed away?


(CHUCKLES) Shoulda figured you wouldn't take no for an answer!

(CHUCKLES) Yes you have a way with slugs.

But you still have a bit to learn

about controlling them.


Woo-hoo! (LAUGHTER)



(GRUNTS) This cavern is now

the sole possession of the Hooligang!


Ha, yeah! Any slugs you have, now belong to us! (SNIGGER)

Don't worry old timer, we're not going to let that happen.

Get out of our town!

We got nothin' for you here, so just go on!

Oh yeah, who's gonna make us? You?

If I have too.

(Blaster whirring)

Ha! With that old flopper!


that old flopper is totally pathetic!

Ha ha! That slug is useless! (SNIGGERS)


Scram, kid! We're the Hooligang

and we're taking over this cavern

so you and your antiques can take a hike!

(SNIGGERS) Yeah! You and your antiques can take a hike!

Yeah! Take a hike!

I warned you.

(Blasting poorly)


Wow! What are you little guys!

Hey, you guys wanna help me out here?

(Engines revving)

Feeling the breeze Pronto?

(GRUNTS) A little.

The tracker's still reading the Elementals so that's good.

Dude, you're lucky I have this thing.

Dude! Can you program it to find me some pants?

Ahhh... Lamazoids.

UGH! Garbage!

Nothin'. This cavern stinks.

Nobody has any good slugs!



Where'd you get those slugs?

Give 'em to me!

You asked for it.

(Blasting and transforming)





You guys want to play too?



Whoa! Okay, they're really close!

(Engines coming to a halt)


(Screaming walla)

The Hooligang?

Don't go in there!

-Huh? -You got no chance against her!

No one does!

Nice legs, mole!



Must be one tough slinger! Better be ready for the worst!

(Engines revving)

Don't worry Shane gang, we took care of it!


(LAUGHS) The Hooligang must be losing their touch!

Ho ho! Bingo!


The Elementals! This way!

(Enginer revving)


They've stopped moving! They're right around this bend!

Finally! Pronto cannot wait to see

the looks on the silly little faces of -

Wow! Wait, what?

(ALL) Locke and Load?!

(Evil laughter)

Now that we've collected and bonded with our fledgelings,

we can begin your slug-fu training.

Choose one of your new slugs.

Okay, Maggs - Hop in.

"Maggs?" You've already named him?

Oh yeah, the Diggrix is "Rex"

and my new Gazzer here is "Joker."

(Farts and giggles)

Kinda appropriate, don't you think?

Did I do something wrong?

No. It's just that...


I too have bonded with my new slugs.

But, it never even occurred to me to name it yet.

She's a she, not an it.

Yes, of course.

Traditionally we do not name a slug

until it has been used for some time.

Well, it's easy. What's her name?



Your approach is different, but the result is the same.

Seems like you are also teaching me.

Now let's begin. The challenge?

You are being attacked from several directions...


Piece of cake. I've got plenty of slugs.

Using just one slug.

One slug?

But the targets are all over the place--

Observe, this is the fun part -

my new SlickSilver will obey my mind's commands!


(Fighting struggle)


(Fighting struggle)

Do you want to learn how to do that?

No... I NEED to learn how to do that!

Fire when you are ready.

Okay, Maggs. You can do this, right?

I make the moves - you just follow along.

What do you say, huh?

(Fighting struggle)

(Blasting and transforming)



I did the moves perfectly and the shot didn't work!

What am I doing wrong?

It is difficult opening your mind to slug fu.

For it to work, you must truly BELIEVE it will.

Come, let us try it again.



(Blasting and transforming)






Come. I believe we need to take another approach.



Unhand those slugs!

They belong to us!

Well, you know what they say:

finder's keepers, losers...

... Are blue?

My brother never was one for the flowers of rhetoric.

So let me put this in language even he can understand

(Blasting and transforming)



You better be careful bro.

You don't know what you're dealin' with...

Oh! On the contrary,

we understand precisely what we possess:

the Elementals!

Yup, these here are the El Mentals!

And with them, we are going to be on easy street.

Everything is going to be different for us.

Starting today, when, for the first time ever,

you didn't beat us!

Yeah, this time, we beat us!

Eh... no, Lode!

This time, nobody beat us--



Sedo, my life. Long. Nemesis!



You snooze, you lose! Ciao!

-Huh? -Uh-oh...

(Blasting and transforming)



Now Sedo has the Elementals?

How does everyone even KNOW about them?

Exactly, ah wha...

What? What you are looking at?

Oh. Okay, well,

maybe I might have mentioned it once...

in a passing!

Anyway so that is how we found the Earth Elemental,

oh, but ha ha... don't tell anyone.

Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Energy -

I caught 'em straight from the fridge, daddi-oh's,

but keep'er yer peepers shut and don't tell anyone.

And that's how we caught the Air elementals. (CHUCKLES)

Oh, but-


(Cheering and laughter)


It is not Pronto's fault

that people cannot keep a secret!


Mind telling me where we're going?

Somewhere you will have no choice but to focus

completely on opening your mind to slug fu.

(SIGH) I know what that means...

I've seen martial arts movies.

We're gonna head to some remote mountaintop

where we're gonna sit cross-legged and say "OHM!"

For like ten days straight...

(YAWN) Booo-




This is not the zen-like mountain I had in mind.

Now, your training can truly begin.


Slugterra en inglés

45 Episodios

  • Slug Fu showdown Part I

    Slug Fu showdown Part I

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Return of the elementals Part III

    Return of the elementals Part III

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Return of the elementals Part II

    Return of the elementals Part II

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Return of the elementals Part I

    Return of the elementals Part I

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Ghoul from beyond Part II

    Ghoul from beyond Part II

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Ghoul from beyond Part I

    Ghoul from beyond Part I

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Dark as Night

    Dark as Night

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Light as day

    Light as day

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Bandoleer of brothers

    Bandoleer of brothers

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Back to blakk

    Back to blakk

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Upgrade


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • It comes by night

    It comes by night

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Lightwell


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The thrill of the game

    The thrill of the game

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Keys to the kingdom

    Keys to the kingdom

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Mission: improbable

    Mission: improbable

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • King of sling

    King of sling

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Slugball


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The return

    The return

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • What lies beneath

    What lies beneath

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • The hard part

    The hard part

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • No exit

    No exit

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • The gentleman and the thief

    The gentleman and the thief

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Dark water, deep water

    Dark water, deep water

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The unbeatable master

    The unbeatable master

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Roboslugs


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • The journey home

    The journey home

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • A distant shore

    A distant shore

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Inheritance


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Snowdance


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The new kid part 2

    The new kid part 2

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The new kid - part 1

    The new kid - part 1

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Zombis


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Undertow


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Endangered species

    Endangered species

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Mario bravado

    Mario bravado

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Shadows and light

    Shadows and light

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Deadweed


    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • Mecha mutiny

    Mecha mutiny

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The slug run

    The slug run

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 37 sec

  • Club slug

    Club slug

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 39 sec

  • The slugout

    The slugout

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The trade

    The trade

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The world beneath our feet. part 2

    The world beneath our feet. part 2

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

  • The world beneath our feet part 1

    The world beneath our feet part 1

    Slugterra en inglés20 min, 38 sec

Slugterra en inglés - Slug Fu showdown Part I


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Slugterra en inglés

Slugterra en inglés

Slugterra en inglés

Eli Shane es un joven que llega a Slugterra con la intención de convertirse en el mejor lanzador de babosas, unas criaturas mágicas para duelos.

Eli Shane es un joven que llega a Slugterra con la intención de convertirse en el mejor lanzador de babosas, unas criaturas mágicas entrenadas para duelos. Allí, formará su equipo de lanzadores para convertirse en uno de los mejores.

En Clan TV En la web y apps del canal.