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  4. División O en inglés - Odd together now Part I
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Para todos los públicos Odd together now Part I
Transcripción completa

My name is Agent Orla.

These are my partners, Oswald, Omar, and Osmerelda.

This is my favourite birthmark.

We travel the world investigating anything strange,

weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

Odd Together Now.

Agent Occidental, how are the shields holding up?

-They're on at 100 percent. -Really?

That's fantastic. -Wait a second, it's upside down.

They're almost gone!

Where's my backup? We're here, Little O!

-What's happening?

-Villains are trying to break into my headquarters.

Agent Ocular, give me a visual.

-Okay, villains, on my count, we're going to break into...

-Puppy Master, look. The camera's on.

-Give up, Odd Squad.

There's no stopping us, because we brought a bunch of blobs...

and a flying squid.

And an invisible dragon. Hahaha!

-I think you lost it. Wait.

It's over there.


-And we're gonna break into your headquarters.

-After a ten-minute snack break. What?

Why? -The blobs are hungry.

-Fine, but after the snack, we're so getting inside and stealing

that sundial! Marty Marmalade, marmalade this.

Wait, does she mean the ancient, golden sundial we found?

The one that is right there?


-But, why would villains want to steal something that would

allow them to travel back in time and undo every good thing that

Odd Squad ever did... never mind, I got it.

What if we destroy the sundial? Tried that earlier.



-Same thing with this gadget.


-And this gadget. -That's it.

You don't have to do it again.

When Big O was in charge, she stopped villains from breaking

in all the time. She always knew what to do.

I have no idea.

You asked for help, which is a noble first step.

Hey, speaking of help, what if we find Olando?

Good idea, he guarded the sundial for hundreds of years.

Maybe, he knows how to destroy it.

And in the meantime, I know how to hold off the villains.

Sounds like a plan.

Osmerelda and I will go with Omar, Oswald, you and Orla speak

with Olando.

Wait, where do we find Olando? In my favourite department.

So, Olando, you work as a juice inspector now?

Yes, it is quiet work, but important, for I find problems

with every box I check, like this one has a straw attached to it.

Yeah, that's supposed to be there. I fear my life has been wasted.

Well, you can help us now, old friend, for we know

not how to destroy this. Ah, the golden sundial.

It must be activated in order to destroy it,

but that is not possible, because the crystals are missing.

Here should be the ruby rectangle.

Ah, a rectangle is a shape with four straight sides.

One, two, three, and four.

And here should be the teal trapezoid.

A trapezoid has four sides.

One, two, three, four, including two sides that are parallel,

one and two.

Fear not, I can lead you to find new crystals.

Ah, a mighty quest! Orla, can I talk to you?

One second.

Are you sure we can trust Olando?

Last time we were on a case, he almost got us all destroyed.

I believe everyone deserves a second chance.

Also, I am worried about leaving him here.

Aah, why will this straw not pierce thy mighty nectar?!

I think you're right.

On three, we're gonna charge through the door.

One... two...

-Okay, villains, we give up. -Nice try, Little O, but you'll...

wait, what? Really, why?

Because your villain team is awesome, and you'll totally

get in.

Sooo, better to quit now. Less mess.

-Really appreciate that. Alright, let's do this.


You should sign the Visitors' Book first.

-What? -What?

-Why? Why would we sign it?

Every visitor signs the book.

And if you don't, other villains might not believe you broke in.

-Everyone, sign this book now!


The protector of the crystals.

-Odd Squad! Logan the Ogre?

You did not mention that you were a crystal protector?

Well, some things are better left unsaid.

Like how I have 36 toes, not on my feet.

Hey, I didn't know you knew Olando.

He's the bravest warrior I ever met.

I still have a painting from your last battle.

-Ah yes, one of my finest moments.

-Wow, what's it been, like 500 years?

What have you been up to, since then?

-Uh, I inspect juice boxes.


Someone else please talk now?

Oh, I can.

We're looking for a ruby rectangle so we can destroy a magic sundial.

Yeah, fresh out of rectangles, but I do have some ruby squares.

Ugh! Wait, that can work.

It can?

Sometimes, you can combine shapes to make new ones.


A square has four equal sides.

One, two, three, four.

But, if you combine two squares, you can make...

A rectangle! -A rectangle!

Sorry, I'm an ogre. It's what I do.

So, all we need to activate the sundial is a teal trapezoid.

I know a second crystal keeper that has some.

She lives down that way.

-Thank you.

-The Visitors' Book is signed.

-Now, that sundial is ours. Single file line, everybody.

-What do we do now? You can't steal it yet.

Why not?!

-Because, first you have to visit...

the gift shop!

-No way. Waste of time.

-They don't even have my size. -You can use my employee discount.

-Now, we're talking!

-Halt! The second crystal keeper.

-Oh, is that Olando, the mighty warrior?

You know each other?

Oh, how can I forget the mightiest warrior I've ever seen fight?

Ah, I even got a T-shirt from your last battle, 500 years ago.

What foes have you vanquished hence?

-Uh, none. I inspect juice boxes now.

-Can someone else please talk? We require a teal trapezoid.

Oh, I'm fresh out.

All I have are these teal triangles.

-Ah, wait!

What if we combine these shapes to make the shapes we need?

Good idea. -Ahuh!

-Oh, be careful with that, yep.

You're breaking it, buy it, though, right?

If I turn these triangles like so, it makes a square.

And if I add one triangle to either side like this...

-A trapezoid!

Quick, let's bring these back to headquarters.

Or, I can transport you there with magic.

-Oh, yes!

-Okay, so you might just not end up with the same heads

on your bodies. Yeah...

You know, I think we're just gonna run instead.

Yeah, let's go! Thank you, bye!

Good news, friends.

We now have all the crystals to destroy the sundial.

Hurry, the villains are already at the self-checkout register.

-Please remove the item from your basket.

-There's no item in my basket!

-Please remove the item from your basket.

-Argh! Olando, place the crystals.

Here should be the ruby rectangle.

And here is the trapezoid.

And that is how you do it.


-Great work, team. Disaster avoided.

Now, we can destroy the sundial. -No.


I cannot allow the sundial to be destroyed.


-Whoa! What are you doing?

-You heard what Logan and the Wizardess said.

I was once the greatest warrior in all of Odd Squad.

-Should I mention I wasn't there when they said that?

Doesn't seem like the time. Now, look at me.

I cannot even figure out how a juicebox works.

We can find you a different job! We're a team, we can help.

No, I am not like you, Orla. I cannot live in this time.

That is why I am going back.

Olando, do not go through that portal!

I don't think that he can.

-Because something else is coming out.

-I don't want the sundial that bad!

-Me neither. Good luck, Odd Squad!



-To be continued...

And now, the rest of the story.



-Fear not, I have defeated this creature before, and shall again.

-You've done enough, Olando. Untanglinator!

Everyone, get your freezinators.

Uh, what's happening?

The name of that creature is a Zap-Me-Not.

Because the one thing you should never do is...

-Zap it!

We need to catch that creature and send it back to its own time.

It's way too big!

There's no way it'll fit through the portal now.

There's gotta be a way to make the portal bigger.

While you figure that out, Olando and I shall figure

out a way to lure the creature back.


But look at all the trouble I have caused already.

Even more of a reason to give you a chance to put it right.

I could go into a very long speech on subject,

but because we are short on time, I shall skip to the end.

You can do it, now move!

Let's try stretching this portal. Everyone, grab a side!

Um, is it safe to touch it? Only one way to find out.

This feels amazing.

It's like a massage for my hands.

And it, like, moisturizes at the same time.

Did we pick the best job or what?


Now, less talking, more stretching!

-The Zap-Me-Not is zapping every building in sight.

Not every building, just the ones shaped like a cube.

Forgive my confusion, what is a cube?

It is a 3D shape. Still nothing.

2D shapes, like my business card, have two dimensions,

length and height.

But this box of gadgets is a cube.

It is 3D, which means it has three dimensions.

Length, height, but also width.

You have a cube! Yes, that is what I said.

No, you have a cube, which we can use to lure the creature

away from those buildings. Provided we can get its attention.

I do not think that'll be a problem.

-I think it's stretched a bit bigger.

At this rate, who knows how long it'll take to make it the size

we need?

Six years, four months and three days.

What? What? I like math.

It's too bad the Big O isn't here, she would definitely know what

to do.

Wait, what if she could be here? Huh?

The sundial works like a time machine, remember?

So, we can use it to go back in time, find the Big O,

and ask for help.

-But to do that, we'd have to know exactly where she was at an exact

moment in time.

When she was still a Miss O, she was in her office in Precinct

13579 on November 24th, at 8:00 am.

How did you know that?

When I was at the Odd Squad gift shop, I bought her biography.

Big O!

-It's Miss O!

-Um, yeah. -Right!-Heh, sorry.

-Miss O, this is going to sound unbelievable, but...

-You travelled back in time to help fix a problem in the future.

So, what's the problem?

It's actually this portal.

We need your help to make it bigger.

Way bigger.


-Hey, guys.



How long must be play this game of Keep Away for?


Till the portal is big enough.

I am sure the other Os are focused on the task at hand.

And here's the little symbol for the Mobile Unit, see?

It's a steering wheel.

I always thought that it was a tire.

No, it's an orange pretzel.

-Hate to interrupt, but Oscar's ready.

-Behold, my latest gadget.

-What are those?


-And, if we blast all four at the same time,

we should be able to make the portal big enough.

Right, Oscar?


-So, looks like you have what you need to save the day.

-But, what if we fail? -You might.


-But trying and failing is always better than never trying at all,

especially when it comes to saving the world.

-Thanks, Big O. I mean, Miss O.

-Call me Oprah. Well, what are you waiting for?

Go! -Let's go!

-You wanted to see us, Miss O? -There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

We can play this game all day!


Aah! Here, come and zap it.

Orla, catch.

Uh oh.

We ran out of cubes.

We shall never get that creature back now.

An Odd Squad agent never says never, and even though I really

want to go down this slide right now, follow me.

We've got work to do.

Everybody got their Stretchinators?




Well, what are we waiting for?


-Yarrrrrrr!! Come on!!

-It's working!

-Keep going.

We just need the creature. Who has a cube?

Still working on it.

Not a cube. Not a cube.

Another not a cube.

Come on, hurry, my hands are getting sweaty.

Very much not a cube.


Hark, I found these square pieces of scrap metal.

Olando, I told you, a square is 2D,

a cube has three dimensions.

Yes, length, height and width, I remember, But what if we combine

squares to make a cube?

Just like we combined shapes to make the crystals.

How's that cube coming?

-We have one, two, three, four, five, six squares.

That is how many squares we need to make a cube.


We did it! I can't hold this for much longer!

Now, we just need the Zap-Me-Not to feast its eyes on this cube.

On it!

Yepyep-yep-yep- yep-yep-yep-yep-yep!

Olando, I did not know you spoke Zap-Me-Not.

I do not.

That is just an annoying noise that gets people's attention.

And it appears to be working.




Throw it!


-Yes! Yeah!

-Good work, agents.

Olando, we could not have done it without you.

I must admit, being part of a team was, how do you say, fun.

Does that mean you will stay here? In the present?

I will. -Yes!

-And the first thing I will do is get myself a new agent-suit,

and maybe, a sandwich. I'm quite hungry.

-Bye. Bye.

-Well, it seems like the only thing left to do.

Is destroy the sundial.

Or... -Or what?

It might be nice to go back in time to tell Miss O that

her plan worked. Good idea!

Plus, there are a ton of Odd Squad agents I want to see in action,

just like Olive, Otto, Olympia and Otis.

-Are you suggesting we use this to go wherever and whenever

we want? -Yes.

-As long as we take pictures!

-Yes!! Woohoo!!

Choose a path. Do the math.

'Cause the days are numbered till the end of time.

Is it wrong. For a song.

To be so intense but still have words that rhyme?

The world is all you have, my friend.

A world you must defend.

Odd Squad forever.

Odd Squad forever.

Odd Squad forever.

Odd Squad forever.

División O en inglés

28 Episodios

  • Odd together now Part II

    Odd together now Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Odd together now Part I

    Odd together now Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Old Odd new tricks

    Old Odd new tricks

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Old Odd new tricks

    Old Odd new tricks

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Off the clock

    Off the clock

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Party crashers

    Party crashers

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Monumental oddness

    Monumental oddness

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Villains helping villains

    Villains helping villains

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Set lasers to profit

    Set lasers to profit

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Three portals down

    Three portals down

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • The problem with pentagurps

    The problem with pentagurps

    División O en inglés11 min, 8 sec

  • Ahead of the times

    Ahead of the times

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Can you wrangle it?

    Can you wrangle it?

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Double O trouble Part II

    Double O trouble Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Double O trouble Part I

    Double O trouble Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Nature of the sandbeast

    Nature of the sandbeast

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Mission O possible

    Mission O possible

    División O en inglés11 min, 8 sec

  • In your dreams

    In your dreams

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • H2 oh no

    H2 oh no

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • O for a day

    O for a day

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Box trot

    Box trot

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Odd off the press Part II

    Odd off the press Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 5 sec

  • Odd off the press Part I

    Odd off the press Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 24 sec

  • Picture Day

    Picture Day

    División O en inglés10 min, 4 sec

  • Oscar and the oscarbots

    Oscar and the oscarbots

    División O en inglés10 min, 32 sec

División O en inglés - Odd together now Part I


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre División O en inglés

División O en inglés

División O en inglés

os agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd

Los agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd, una organización gubernamental dirigida por niños que investigan lo extraño e insólito y arreglan lo que está mal en su ciudad utilizando sus habilidades en el campo de las matemáticas y el razonamiento.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 06:00 horas y siempre en la web y apps del canal.