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Para todos los públicos Old Odd new tricks
Transcripción completa

My name is Agent Orla.

These are my partners, Oswald, Omar, and Osmerelda.

This is a picture of us disguised as robots.

We travel the world investigating anything strange,

weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

Sunny Sides Add Up.

Mm. Delicious.

Smells like somebody's throwing a flavour party.

It is an ancient guardian recipe. Sample it!

It's actually pretty good. Mm! I am impressed.

Most people find spider-milk pudding unpleasant.

Osmerelda, care for a taste? I'm good.

Um, Orla?

Is your protector helmet supposed to be glowing like this?

The only time it glows is when another guardian is in distress.

Wait, there are other guardians?

I believed I was the last one who remained as guardian

of the 44-leaf clover. Obviously, I was wrong.

Woof! This thing's getting kinda hot.

Maybe put it down? Yeah, good idea.

I recall from my ancient training that if I ever received a distress

call, that I should press number five on my helmet.

I don't see any numbers. Just a bunch of shapes.


In ancient times, we used shapes instead of numbers.

These are all shapes where each side meets to create a corner.

And for number 5, we used the 5 sided shape, this one right here.

Oh, that's a pentagon.

Which has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sides.

So, on your helmet, the number 5 is represented by a pentagon?

Correct. All right, let's see.

Hmm. Where...

I found it. Stand back.



The distress call's coming from an ancient Odd Squad ruin

in the middle of the Sahara desert.

I wonder what kind of danger the protector's facing.

I could be anything: creatures, an odd storm, or even villains.

Villains? We just heard about these ruins.

How could a bunch of villains know about this place?

-I bet you're asking yourselves How do we know about this place?

-Honestly, that sounds more like something Odd Squad would ask.

-The Shadow left behind this...

ancient Odd Squad journal before she turned good.


-And this journal contained a map to this... ancient ruin site!

-The journal also mentions a golden sundial.

-Don't sundials just tell time? I already have a watch!

And it's water-resistant.

-This was a long way to travel to find out we're stealing

a watch. -It does more than tell time.

According to legend, it has the power to open

time portals!

-Allowing us to bring things back from the past that will help

us defeat Odd Squad once and for all!

-Like my old retainer that I lost at canoe camp!

-No, Noise Maker.

More like a sabertooth tiger, or a dinosaur.

-Then, maybe his retainer.

I mean, if we're already going back in time, we could just pick

it up and bring it back... -Enough!

First, we need to find a way inside the ruins.

The journal doesn't mention anything about how to open a giant

stone door. -Maybe my watch can help!

-Really, Hot Potato Harry? How?

I don't know.

-The protector must've sounded the distress call when all those

villains showed up.

The golden sundial cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong

hands. We must retrieve it.

But, how do we get inside?

Especially with all the villains standing around the front door.

Follow me. None of this is going to work.

-Well, what is going to work? Did we bring any snacks?

Each ancient site comes equipped with a secret back entrance.

Check it out!

More shapes like the ones on your helmet.

We must unlock a code to enter. Observe.


It's like an equation with shapes. But we can't subtract shapes!

Remember, in ancient times we used shapes instead of numbers.

We just need to count the sides. I got this.

The first shape is an octagon. It has 8 sides that form corners.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. And the other shape is a square.

It has 4 sides. 1, 2, 3, 4.

So we put a number 4 there.

Therefore, this equation means 8 minus 4...

which is 4!

Now, we must find a square.

Found it!

Yes! Woohoo!

Let us proceed.

Slimy walls, dirt on the ground, lack of visible sunlight...

It feels like home.

Okay, we need to find the golden sundial.


These ancient ruins are filled with boobie traps,

each more treacherous than the last.

I am so excited!

All right.

Osmerelda, this is your first ancient ruin site,

so please be extremely care... Woohoo!

Boobie traps! Why is she so excited?

Come on, let's go.


Yes! Go ahead, go ahead.


The final chamber with the golden sundial is up ahead.

We must hurry!

Let's just hope the villains are still stuck outside.


-We have tried everything to get inside, and nothing works!

-We need to put our heads together to find a way in.

-Not us though. Our heads are way too sticky.

-I mean using our power together to break down the door.

-That's a great idea!

I can freeze the door with my sub-zero stare!


-And I'll play a pitch so high, it breaks the door right down

the middle!


-And I'll finish the job with my watch!

-Well, that's not gonna work.

-Let's go!

Alas! The golden sundial!

'Tis true! Halt!

I am Olando, guardian of the golden sundial,

and you will never lay your villainous fingers on it!


We're not villains, we're Odd Squad!

This is the part where he doesn't believe us.

Certainly I believe you. Why would I not?


You must've received my distress signal.

I can hardly believe my eyes. After all this time...another

ancient guardian.

I am Orla, protector of the 44-leaf clover.

A fellow protector?

Fiddle-ye-he! Fiddle-ye-ho!

We are both protectors!

Uh, I hate to break up the reunion, but we might want

to get the sundial somewhere safe before villains find a way in.

Too late!

-The golden sundial is ours!

Halt! The artifact is locked in place.

If you attempt to move it without solving the secret equation,

the walls will close in on us!

Pff, the ole walls will close in on us if we don't solve

the equation line. Not gonna fall for that one!

-We're stealing this thing! Oh man!

He wasn't kidding about the walls. -Let's get outta here!


-So long, Odd clods!

Ugh! We should make a run for it too.

Let the walls crush the artifact so it's no longer a problem!

Win-win! Agreed.


If the golden sundial is destroyed, it will create

a time-tastrophe that could forever alter our universe.

We must save it.

But how are we supposed to unlock the sundial and save it?

Protector maneuver Omega 5.



What? Whoa! It's another shape equation!

That shape at the end of the equation

is called a decagon. It has 10 sides that form corners.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

-So we need to find 4 shapes whose combined sides add up to 10.

The shapes are here.

So all we need to do is find the right shapes

and put it in the blank spots in the equation.

Hurry! I found a triangle.

It's a 3-sided shape. Quickly!

Come on!

I found one too! Now we have two 3 sided shapes.

Which makes 3 plus 3. We're at 6!

We need a 4 sided shape.

Because 4 plus 6 equals 10! Hm.

This square should do it!

Why isn't the sundial unlocking?

And why are the walls still moving?

Because we need to reach 10 by using 4 shapes!

Olando is correct.

There are 4 empty slots in the equation.

But if we add any more shapes, it'll add up to more than 10!

Unless we use a shape that has no sides!

A circle! What?

A circle is one big curve, so it has no corners.

If a circle does not possess sides that meet to create corners,

it means a circle has 0 sides. So it equals zero!

Hurry! We're running out of time!

Now let's get this thing back to headquarters where it's safe.

Okay. This is really heavy.

Yeah. Lift with the legs.

Are you all right?

Perhaps I should remain here... in case the villains return.

Olando, they are not returning.

But, I have been here so long that... I'm afraid to leave.

What if there is no place for me out there?

Then you will make your own place as I have.

Also, I recently whipped up a fresh batch of

spider milk pudding.


And it no longer takes 43 days to cook thanks to a modern device

called a... microwave. Huh.

It is like wielding the breath of a dragon inside a box.

Onward ho!

Old Odd, New Tricks.

There you four are. By the way, how are you all doing?

-Good. Something very odd has happened.

Remember the villain Triangle Sue?

Today, she plans to turn everyone and everything into a triangle.

I asked her not to, and she sent me this triangle box with

her answer.

-No! Hahahaha!

How does Triangle Sue plan to carry out this villainous plan?

With this triangle ray.

Located on the roof of her triangle headquarters.

-Gotta hand it to her, she knows how to stick to a theme.

-You need to stop her. Got it!

-And you're bringing Olando. -Greetings!

-Olando just finished all his... retraining at the academy.

-After spending 500 years guarding the golden sundial,

a lot has changed.

Badge-phones, watch tablets, and a tiny light that goes on when

you open a refrigerator. Also refrigerators.

-The final stage of his re-training is to go out

on a case, and since you all know each other...

It would be an honour for us to take Olando with us.

For there was never a villain Olando could not catch.

They might as well have just called him Olando,

catcher of villains. 'Tis true!

Ha. -Well, what are you waiting for?


Once we enter the building, we make our way up to the roof,

disable the triangle ray, and quickly get out.

Speak forth if you have questions or forever hold your peace.

Okay, I have a question. This door is locked.

How are we supposed to get in? Stand back!

For, I, Olando shall open it with brute force!

Or we could try to open it by figuring out the alarm code.


I bet we have to answer a question.


Welcome to Triangle Sue's triangle headquarters.

In order to enter, push the equilateral triangle.

That is a triangle with three sides that are all equal

in length. Ah, then it is this one here.

Wait! No!

Wrong answer. A security guard is on the way.

His name is Graham, in case you were wondering.

-Ugh, I was certain I was correct. Now what?

I will quickly measure with a ruler so we may open this door.

This triangle has one side that is three inches, this side is also

three inches, and so is this one.

All sides are the same, making this the equilateral triangle.

Yes! Let's go.


If nobody's here to explain why the alarm went off,

then Graham, the security guard is going to know something weird

is going on.

I say the two of us stay here, use our random-costume-inators,

and make up an excuse for the alarm.

-What is this random-costume-inator?

-We use it to create disguises that won't draw attention.

Like this.

Okay, not the best example, but I can easily get out of this

costume by saying the word chartreuse.

Fun fact, chartreuse is a colour somewhere between yellow

and green, named because of its resemblance...

We need to move. Good luck to you two.


Random-costume-inator time!

Wha... What are we gonna do with these costumes?

Ey! Both of you are comin' with me.

-So who are you two, and why did you set off my alarm?

-I am... a door-to-door rock star!


Lucky for you, I like rock music.

But who are you?

Me? Um...

Well, I'm a...door-to-door dog groomer!

He groomed my dog.

-You mean you go door-to-door, grooming dogs with

no appointment necessary? Yes?


My favourite dog, Scalene needs a haircut.

He looks like a circle.

Oh, I can't even.

-Looks like a boobie trap. We need to get to that elevator.

And before you ask, an elevator's a tiny metal box that

can transport us to the roof of this building.

That sounds terrifying. It plays really soft music.

Oh, much better. Oh, another alarm code.

To get through this hallway, only step on the isosceles triangles.

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides

of equal length. I think it is the red one.

But I shall use a ruler just to be sure.

This side is 5cm, this side is 5cm, and this side

is 3cm.

So, the isosceles triangle's the red one.

So, the only triangle that we can step on in this hallway

are the red ones. Stand back!

For I, Olando shall do it with great haste!


It is more important we do it slowly and carefully

as a team.

Olando, no! That one!

Left! I mean right!


-An incorrect triangle has been stepped on.

Security guard Graham is on his way.

His last name is Grizzle, if you were wondering.

Orla, you need to get to the roof and disable the triangle ray.

I'll stay back and explain why the alarm went off.

But... Go.

I'll be fine.

Random-costume-inator time.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Hey. You're comin' with me.

Yes, I am coming with you.

That is correct, I go door-to-door,

offering oil on canvas portraits, no appointment necessary.

Do you think I was born yesterday?

Um, no?

Correct! Today is my birthday!

And I would like a portrait with my dog, Scalene who just

got a haircut.

Sure, I can do that for you. Quickly.

As soon as you're done, I wanna turn everything and everyone into

a triangle.

-Orla, you look displeased.

Is the elevator music bothering you?

It is not the music....Okay, part of it is the music.

Oswald, Osmerelda and Omar have put themselves in great danger

to cover for the mistakes you made.

But in the end, it is you and I who are

still here.

The ancient guardians, as it should be.

That is not how it should be. It...

We have arrived at the top floor. Let us smash the triangle ray.

-This portrait is taking forever. That's because it's really good.

So good. It's fantastic.

-Ooh. Can I have a sneak peak?


I love it!

But could we add some more of my favourite colour?

Chartreuse? -Uh-oh.

-Odd Squad! Run!

-Sound the alarm!

I'm gonna activate my triangle ray.

That does not sound good. I am sure it is nothing.

Security guards are coming! I shall handle it!

Boulder-inator! Whoa!

Why would you do that? So the guards cannot catch us.

But you left the rest of our team in danger!

Olando does not need a team! I shall save the day on my own!

We can't get past this boulder!

Omar, Oswald, Osmerelda, are you okay?

We're fine.

Get to the roof and destroy that triangle ray!

But.... Go!

-Oh yes! Hahahaha!

You're too late, Odd Squad.

I've already activated my triangle ray.

It's gonna zap everyone and everything in one minute.

Then we shall stop it.

Ha! Good luck!

The off switch is my favourite triangle.

And you have no idea which one it is!

Should've got to know me better.

-I shall give chase!

Olando, no.

We need to figure out a way to stop

the triangle ray.

But I am Olando, captor of villains!

'Tis what I do.


Triangle Sue said her favourite triangle will turn this off.

I am Orla, and this is not a good time!

We're making our way to the van! Oswald, I can barely hear you.

Because we're running! From triangle security guards!

And Triangle Sue's dog, Scalene! Weirdest dog name I've ever heard!


That must be Triangle Sue's favourite triangle!


A scalene triangle has three sides with all different lengths.

I must go.

This side is 3cm... This side is 5cm...

And this side is 7.5. It is this one!

Yes! I did it! I stopped the triangle ray!


Omar called, said you ran into some trouble?

We... No trouble.

Triangle Sue may have escaped, but we stopped her triangle ray.

Is that not correct, Orla?

-Well then, it seems like Olando's training is officially complete.

No. He is not ready.

Excuse me while I gasp.

Olando, you could be a great agent, but you just need more

training to learn the importance of teamwork.

I'm an ancient warrior who worked alone for 500 years.

I did not need teamwork then, and I surely do not need it now!

-Then you won't need your badge either.


But! You have not seen the last of me!

Because I do not know the way back, and I will need a ride.


Makes sense.

División O en inglés

28 Episodios

  • Odd together now Part II

    Odd together now Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Odd together now Part I

    Odd together now Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Old Odd new tricks

    Old Odd new tricks

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Old Odd new tricks

    Old Odd new tricks

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Off the clock

    Off the clock

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Party crashers

    Party crashers

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Monumental oddness

    Monumental oddness

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Villains helping villains

    Villains helping villains

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Set lasers to profit

    Set lasers to profit

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Three portals down

    Three portals down

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • The problem with pentagurps

    The problem with pentagurps

    División O en inglés11 min, 8 sec

  • Ahead of the times

    Ahead of the times

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Can you wrangle it?

    Can you wrangle it?

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Double O trouble Part II

    Double O trouble Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Double O trouble Part I

    Double O trouble Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Nature of the sandbeast

    Nature of the sandbeast

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Mission O possible

    Mission O possible

    División O en inglés11 min, 8 sec

  • In your dreams

    In your dreams

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • H2 oh no

    H2 oh no

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • O for a day

    O for a day

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Box trot

    Box trot

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Odd off the press Part II

    Odd off the press Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 5 sec

  • Odd off the press Part I

    Odd off the press Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 24 sec

  • Picture Day

    Picture Day

    División O en inglés10 min, 4 sec

  • Oscar and the oscarbots

    Oscar and the oscarbots

    División O en inglés10 min, 32 sec

División O en inglés - Old Odd new tricks


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre División O en inglés

División O en inglés

División O en inglés

os agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd

Los agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd, una organización gubernamental dirigida por niños que investigan lo extraño e insólito y arreglan lo que está mal en su ciudad utilizando sus habilidades en el campo de las matemáticas y el razonamiento.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 06:00 horas y siempre en la web y apps del canal.