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Para todos los públicos Why did the chicken cross the dim?
Transcripción completa

My name is Agent Orla.

These are my partners oswald omar and osmo relda.

This is a wolf in sheep 's clothing.

We travel the world investigating anything strange weird

and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

Why did the Chicken Cross the Dimension?

-Wow... Austria is beautiful.

These mountains remind me of my oldest friend, Goldie.


Da sind Sie vier! -Whoa!

-That was German for “There you four are!”-

Little O, why’d you call us here? Something very odd has happened.

Take a look at this.

-Aww! Adorable

-It's a baby laser chicken. -What?!

-A portal opened on the Kitzsteinhorn Mountain

and this cutie escaped.

I need you to return it before the portal closes.

Can't the local Odd Squad do it?

No, they're all taking a strudel class today.

What is a "strudel"?

It's a delicious baked good with a pastry on the outside

and a fruity filling on the inside.

Basically, the best thing since sliced bread.

You slice your bread? Yeah.

I sent a map to the van computer that will tell you where

the portal is and how to get there.

Good luck!

And remember, these things can laser through anything.

La, la, la... Let us go.

Van computer, activate thrusters for flying.

Activating thrusters.


-Thrusters broken. I can no longer fly.

I don't think this baby laser chicken likes loud noises.

Omar and I will take it to the creature containment

room, where it's quiet and it can't destroy things.

And since we can't fly, Orla and I will figure

out a way to drive to the portal.

This is the strangest looking map I have ever seen,

with all kinds of different colors and squiggly lines.

It's a topographic map.

“Topography” means the features of an area,

like this map is showing physical features of the land.

I am hearing many strange words that I do not understand.

“Topography” means physical features, like mountains,

rivers, and valleys. How do you know all this?

I belong to a map club.

It's like a book club, but we talk about maps.

So you can tell us how to read it? Yep.

There was a member who came into Map Club to explain it all.

(Dog barking)

Come to think of it, he was kind of hard to understand.

This is bad.

We have to drive a baby laser chicken all the way to the portal

before the end of the day, and we can't read this

complicated map. We can, and we shall.


This red dot is where we are, and this blue dot is at the other

side of Kitzsteinhorn Mountain, right where the portal is.

So, we just have to get from here...

to there. It's a direct road straight ahead.


Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do.

Make strudel! Set course straight towards...

You know what?

We set a course for Kitzsteinhorn Mountain,

then we make strudel.

See? Nice and quiet in here.

No loud noises to scare the baby. Arrr!

Turn off your phone!

We need to calm it down!

I have an idea.

What idea could you possibly... (Harp music)

A harp?

One of my favorite things about the harp is its ability...

Sorry to interrupt, but the baby laser chicken

is gone.


Is it ready yet?

Patience, Orla. You can't rush a good strudel.

Van has come to a complete stop.

We have encountered a small problem.

Technically, it is a large problem.


I do not remember seeing a mountain

on Little O's funny-looking map.

Actually, there was.

I forgot that's what these squiggly lines and colors mean

on the topographical map. You learned that in Map Club?

No, this was from alien aerobics class.

Anyways, on a flat topographic map, the lines and colors tell

you how high the land features are.

You mean the elevation? Right!

Each line indicates a change in elevation, or height.


So the closer the lines are to each other,

the steeper the area is.

Plus, the colors help us see where it's lower or higher.

Woo! Feel that burn!

Go, go, go, go!

In 2D topographic maps like this one,

differences in elevations, or heights, are shown using

colored rings.

But in a model, you can actually see the differences?


And I happen to have one here.


The green area on the 2D map are the really small hills

and valleys on this model.

Yellow is for bigger hills, orange is for mountains,

and red is for steep mountain peaks.

So even though we thought we could drive straight to the portal,

we actually would have to drive up and over the mountains,

which is much harder to do. Right.

So the easier route is actually around the mountain,

where the elevation is lower.

Van computer, set a new course for around the mountain.

Setting new course.

I will be coming around the mountain.

Our strudel awaits!

I don't see it anywhere.

Well, if you were a baby laser chicken, where would you be?

Taking flying lessons.

I refuse to believe chickens can't fly.

There it is!

Remember, we have to stay calm.

We can't scare it again.

How are we supposed to calmly lure it back to the creature

containment room? Well, that's a baby.

What do babies like? Lullabies?

I don't know any lullabies. Just make one up.

Follow my lead.

Gumdrops, lollipops, pumpkin pies...

Hamburgers, hot dogs, ketchup and fries.

Arrr! It doesn’t like lullabies!


Ooh, I'm gonna take a picture of this.

Wise decision.

Take a photo of the strudel in case you become violently

ill and need to show the doctor what you ate.

No, I'm putting it online.

Modern times are confusing.

The van has stopped.

We have encountered another problem.

What now?

You might want to step outside for this one.

'Tis nothing but mountains as far as the eye can see!

There's no way we could drive around this.

Odd Squad? Logan the Ogre?

Oswald, you know this strange purple man?

Ogre! It's right in the name.

Hmm. Logan's a friend of Odd Squad.


Once I helped Olive and Otto find an antidote when a weird

plant sprayed Ms O. Hee-hee-hee!

Classic. It was.

So, I overheard you guys talking, and I got some good news.

I can totally help you get around this mountain.

That's great! Yes, it is.

And if we leave now, we can do it in 10 days.

15, tops. What?

We do not have 10 days to spare.

Yeah, the portal to the laser chicken dimension closes

at the end of the day! I do have another way.

I could just slingshot the two of you right over

the mountain, no big whoop. Yes!

No! That's way too dangerous!

Hold on.

Do you guys not have unbreakable bones like me?

Let's head back to the van to see if the

topographic map has any clues.

Seriously, I can't break 'em.

-What do we do now?

We know lullabies won't cheer it up.

We need to try something else. Funky jazz dance?

You literally just read my mind.


Yes! How's everything going?

Not good.

We have to drive over this gigantic mountain range,

but the portal is closing soon. Only one option remains.

We must laser-proof our bodies and raise this baby chicken

as our own. We shall be legends.

Legend! Yes!

I remember something else about topographical maps.

From your alien aerobics class? No, from my Yelling Club.

All the information you need to read a map is in the legend!

I'm still not sure why you attend these clubs,

or what a “legend” is.

I attend these clubs because there's more to life than

just work.

And a legend tells you what the symbols and colors

on the map represent. Look!

Based on the information we have about colors and heights,

or elevations, we know that red and orange represent

the highest elevations, and yellow and green represent

the lowest elevations.

So, we need to find a path to the portal that's yellow

or green, because it's easier to travel on the lower elevations,

or heights. We could go this way.

It's all yellow around this side of the mountain.

That's our best route.

If we leave right now, we can still make it before

the portal closes! I hate to be that guy, but...

What are you doing here?

I smelled strudel, then I ate strudel.

Then I laid an egg, which I aptly named “Strudel.”.

Hi, I'm Logan the Ogre. Hi.

Anyways, driving through that yellow pathway is impossible.

It's the Valley of the Yodeling Pretzels.

So salty... and so loud.

Did you say "loud"? And salty.

Start driving.

We have an idea.

Pretzel! (Laser fire)

It’s working!

Yeah! Hahaha!

We’re almost there! Keep blasting!

Yeah! Whoo!

-Okay, little friend. Time to go back to your family.

That’s it.

That was incredible. Indeed.

I'm just sure you never got to try a piece

of that strudel. I made more strudel!

-Yeah! Whooo!

-Off the clock.

What is all this about, young Oswald?

Well I'm doing final preparations for... drum-roll please...



The annual gathering of the past and present

Library Museum People.

Last year, my rival Octavius hosted it.

Impressive gathering, Octavius.

And you'll never be able to top it. Hahaha...

Luckily, I've been planning to top it for an entire year,

and it's all happening in a couple hours.

Woah! What’s happening?

Looks like there's something wrong with your clock.

And the microwave clock.

-Agents, you have an incoming call from the Little O.

-There you four are. Something very odd has happened.

Does it have anything to do with our broken clocks?

Ding ding!

Something is wrong with the Odd Squad Timekeeper.

She's responsible for keeping time for the whole world, but now that

she's not doing her job, nobody knows what time it is.

People are eating dinner for breakfast.

Planes aren't taking off because they have no idea when to!

And I slept in because my alarm clock was all messed up.

I still can't believe I took that selfie while I was sleeping.

That's terrible news for my party.

Oswald, how can you be thinking of your party at a time like this?

Well, if there's no way to tell time, the guests won't know what

time to show up to my party!

Also, the world might fall into complete chaos.

I'm not sure which one is worse, but we should hurry.

Well, what are you waiting for?


-Hello, Mobile Unit.

Welcome to the Timekeeper's Headquarters.

I'm her assistant, Olaya, and this is the clock that

keeps time for the world.


-Yeah. It’s totally busted.

So without that clock, no other clock in the world works?

Correct, and only the Timekeeper herself knows how to fix it.

Where is this keeper of time? Doing magic tricks.

She bought that top hat online.

Unfortunately, it had a magician's curse on it.

Even worse, she lost her receipt, so it's non-refundable.

-So as long as she wears the hat, she won't do anything

other than magic tricks? -Yes.

And before you ask, I already tried taking the hat off.

Before I explain how to cure magician-itis,

I need two of you to keep an eye on the Timekeeper.

Why are you so worried about keeping an eye on the magician?

Now I understand.

Young Osmerelda and I will find the Timekeeper.

Onward! Come with me.

This book contains an antidote. It is made up of four ingredients.

I already got the first two: freshly,

squeezed orange juice, and ink from the mystical

Fountain Pen of Youth. Whoa!

Problem is, the antidote requires the first two ingredients

to be stirred together for exactly five seconds.

But without any way to tell time, we don't know how long that is.

Just count five seconds out loud.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5. That's too fast, Omar.

It should be: one old library... two old...

That's the problem! Counting out loud isn't accurate.

We're doomed! Wait.

If we have an activity we know takes five seconds exactly,

we can use the activity as a timer.

I can say the Library Museum Person oath,

which takes exactly five seconds to recite.

While I was planning for my party, I timed everything

in the itinerary. Preparing the ingredients.

Preparing to stir.

It is with great honor and sense of duty that

I vow to protect and shelve.

It's glowing! That means it worked!


The next ingredient we need is a single drop of wizard sweat.

How are we supposed to get... I know exactly where.

Let’s go. Okay.

Everything's been chaos without time.

How am I supposed to know when to turn someone into a frog?

Should I just know? That's why we're here.

But in order to fix the clock, we'll need a drop of your sweat.

That's gonna be a problem.

I only sweat when I do my online aerobics class.

But without time, I don't know when that is.

We can help with that! Lift the one, one and two.

Now cast your spell, three and four.

Go, go, go, go, go! Feel the burn!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Keep those knees high!

Up, up, up... wait!

I see something. Hold still!

Just gotta get the sweat...

Got it!

Great job!

Thank you! Gotta go!

Wait, I... I thought we were friends!

There she is. Hey!

We would really love to see a magic trick.

-Pick a card, any card.


'Tis my card! The queen of hearts.

And now, for my next trick... I shall disappear.

-We got the wizard sweat!

Great work.

Once we add it to our mixture, I need to stir the antidote

for 12 seconds exactly. I know!

I can sign the alphabet in exactly 12 seconds.


You never time yourself signing the alphabet?

I'm ready to stir.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,

Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.


-The last ingredient we need is a loganberry.

How are we supposed to... I know exactly where.

Let’s go.

Without time, I've been all out of sorts.

I mean, when's an ogre supposed to shed his skin if he doesn't

know what time it is?

We're working on fixing the clocks right now, Logan.

But first, we need a berry from the loganberry tree.

Yeah, that's gonna be a problem.

There's an evil scarecrow guarding the tree.

In fairness, I did hire her. I'm not afraid of a scarecrow.

How are we supposed to get her away from there?

If I knew what time the circus show started in town,

I could take her there. She loves to watch juggling.

We could work with that!

Omar, you and Logan juggle to distract the scarecrow while

I sneak around to the back of the tree to take a berry.

Okay, Omar, go ahead and juggle. I thought you were gonna juggle.

I don't know how.

But if it's helpful, I'm more than happy to lay a few eggs

for you to juggle. Please don't.

I'll just use these.

I think I'm getting the hang of this.

Ha, ha! Whoa!

-She's not pleased. We have to go bigger.

I got it! Let’s go!

Okay, just give me one second.

Big finish!

Okay, this time we ask to see a trick,

then we pull out our net-inator gadgets to catch her.


We would love to see another magic trick.

-If the magic arts are what you seek, come a little

bit closer and take a peek.


The queen of hearts?

-I think it's time to use magic to outsmart the magician.

Follow me.

We got the loganberry! The last ingredient!

Now I need to stir for 21 seconds exactly.

I don't know anything that takes me exactly 21 seconds.

Neither do I.

We caught the Timekeeper by combining these colored

handkerchiefs into a rope. Combining.

That's it! We can combine all our activities.

I'm not sure I follow.

We need to mix this antidote for exactly 21 seconds.

Omar’s sign language alphabet takes 12 seconds,

and my Library Museum Person oath takes 5 seconds.

And 12 + 5... 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

17 seconds.

We still need 18, 19, 20, 21.

Four more seconds.

My favorite flute riff is 3 seconds!

-So we need something that's exactly one more second,

since 3 + 1 is 4.

It takes me exactly one second to say "ham."

'Tis a long story.

So, if we each perform our activity in a row,

it'll take 21 seconds! Ready to stir?

It is with great honor and sense of duty that

I vow to protect and shelve.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P.

Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.

(Flute riff)


It worked.

The antidote is done!

-We did it! Yes!

Yeah! Whooo!

And just in time for my party.

It must have taken you a really long time to plan all this.

To be honest, most of it came together last minute.


Whoo hoo! Yeah!



División O en inglés

28 Episodios

  • Odd together now Part II

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  • Odd together now Part I

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  • Old Odd new tricks

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  • Old Odd new tricks

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  • Off the clock

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  • Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Party crashers

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  • Monumental oddness

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  • Villains helping villains

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  • Set lasers to profit

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  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

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  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

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  • Three portals down

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  • The problem with pentagurps

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  • Ahead of the times

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  • Can you wrangle it?

    Can you wrangle it?

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  • Double O trouble Part II

    Double O trouble Part II

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  • Double O trouble Part I

    Double O trouble Part I

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  • Nature of the sandbeast

    Nature of the sandbeast

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  • Mission O possible

    Mission O possible

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  • In your dreams

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  • H2 oh no

    H2 oh no

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  • O for a day

    O for a day

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  • Box trot

    Box trot

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  • Odd off the press Part II

    Odd off the press Part II

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  • Odd off the press Part I

    Odd off the press Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 24 sec

  • Picture Day

    Picture Day

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  • Oscar and the oscarbots

    Oscar and the oscarbots

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División O en inglés - Why did the chicken cross the dim?


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre División O en inglés

División O en inglés

División O en inglés

os agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd

Los agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd, una organización gubernamental dirigida por niños que investigan lo extraño e insólito y arreglan lo que está mal en su ciudad utilizando sus habilidades en el campo de las matemáticas y el razonamiento.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 06:00 horas y siempre en la web y apps del canal.