Luto nacional en Venezuela por la muerte de Chávez
06.03.2013Police make a line to hold back the crowd as the funeral cortege of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrives at the Military Academy, on March 6, 2013, in Caracas. The flag-draped coffin of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez was borne through throngs of weeping supporters on Wednesday as a nation bade farewell to the firebrand leftist who led them for 14 years. AFP PHOTO/LUIS ACOSTAAFP PHOTO/LUIS ACOSTA -
06.03.2013GRA081 CARACAS, 07/03/2013.- Fotografía facilitada por Presidencia de Venezuela de los seguidores de Hugo Chávez visitando anoche la capilla ardiente del presidente venezolano instalada en la Academia Militar de Caracas hasta el próximo viernes. EFE/Efraín González ** SOLO USO EDITORIAL ** ** NO VENTAS **EFE/Efraín González
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