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El Gobierno califica de "insostenible" la situación de los menores en Canarias y responsabiliza a los que votaron "no"

  • El ministro Torres ha reprochado a PP y Junts que votasen en contra de tramitar la reforma de la ley de Extranjería
  • Además, Sira Rego ha asegurado en TVE que "están trabajando en un plan B" y no descarta que sea por decreto ley

El secretario general del PSOE en Canarias y ministro de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática, Ángel Víctor Torres.
El secretario general del PSOE en Canarias y ministro de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática, Ángel Víctor Torres. EFE/Miguel Barreto

El ministro de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática, Víctor Ángel Torres, ha calificado la situación de los 6.000 menores migrantes no acompañados que están en Canarias de “insostenible” y ha culpado directamente a los grupos políticos -PP y Junts- que votaron "no" en el pleno del Congreso a la tramitación de la reforma del artículo 35 de la ley de Extranjería en la jornada del martes.

"La situación es insostenible, la solución siempre lo dije, es modificar la ley con una iniciativa legislativa con solidaridad entre todos los territorios, hasta ahora ha sido voluntaria, pero la respuesta no ha sido la esperada. Los responsables son los que ayer votaron 'no', ayer no se votaba la ley, solo empezaba el trayecto", ha dicho Torres un día después de que no saliese adelante el inicio de la tramitación de la ley que iba a permitir el reparto de menores migrantes cuando el cupo excediese en el lugar de acogida del 150% .

"Los grupos políticos solo iban a aceptar que empezábamos a construir la ley, sabíamos que Vox nunca iba a estar en la solución. Los que votaron 'sí' dieron una lección a quien con su negativa cercenaron esta esperanza -en referencia al PP y Junts-", ha proseguido el ministro de Política Territorial.

El ministro ha proseguido explicando que tanto en la investidura fallida de Feijóo como en la llevada a cabo a buen puerto con Sánchez, el apoyo en ambas de Coalición Canaria pasaba por el compromiso de legislatura de modificar dicha ley de Extranjería para dar respuesta al desafío migratorio que sufre este territorio.

"Gamarra firmó por el PP y Montero por el PSOE para responder a un acuerdo de legislatura con Coalición Canaria. Siempre ha sido una de las prioridades de este Gobierno, además, los acontecimientos de los últimos meses ha hecho que llegasen más menores a Canarias. Hay seis mil niños y necesitábamos una respuesta rápida, un texto que pusiese de acuerdo a las dos administraciones", ha explicado Víctor Ángel Torres ante los medios de comunicación.

El Gobierno trabaja "en un plan B"

Asimismo, la ministra de Juventud e Infancia, Sira Rego, ha explicado en una entrevista en 'La Hora de La 1' de TVE que el Gobierno trabaja ya "en un plan B" para abordar el fenómeno migratorio y la situación en Canarias, aunque ha insistido en que la propuesta "más solvente" es la reforma del artículo 35 de la ley de extranjería que ha sido rechazada en el Congreso.

Rego ha avanzado que se reunirá este mismo miércoles con los Ministerios de Migraciones y de Política Territorial para estudiar las distintas opciones que se plantean después de que el Congreso tumbara la propuesta para reformar la ley de extranjería.

No recomendado para menores de 16 años Rego, tras el rechazo a la reforma de la ley de Extranjería: "Llevamos tiempo trabajando en opciones 'B'"
Transcripción completa

The opinion of the administration is very interesting.

In this few days.

How about good morning how are you?

The letter from which to present it to the judge and also to

hear this moment was not recognized.

I don't know the details of the letter yet.

And with maximum respect, logically, they also treat that president


And a certain surprise, let's say the intensity.

with which this process is being carried out.

I don't know if yesterday in Moncloa they met with the president of

the government in the Council of Ministers.

The topic came up, it didn't come up.

Well, this is simply a new issue for the president, I call

it with the greatest possible respect.

It is an issue that is judicially raised and simply returned to


The surprise at how it is being managed but beyond that it is

an issue that is judicially raised.

Maximum respect, more and more solidarity with the president.

Because we had arranged to speak with you about another matter.

For this reform of the immigration law that has finally

rejected the congress.

To process how to reform PP yours and vox fulfilled their threat, they

voted against that reform, let's remember what happened yesterday in Congress.

The position of pelón who voted for the hand of God of the mother

contract in consideration of the immigration law after the plenary session of

posh to tell them existing.

At the national level.

The protest has left the government.

Jones lamented the lack of dialogue.

This law neither provides peace of mind nor peace of mind.

And Vox and surprises in his speech.

Our solidarity with our children.

but the residents of the de Mena homework center.

Pepe John asks you to treat me, withdraw the proposal, so did

the spokesperson for the Canarian coalition, visibly upset.

Let's leave it the table is sane.

because I cannot arrive in Canaria saying that the congress voted no.

The government wants all parties to put their letter on the


It is not about negotiating, it is about each person truly expressing what their

political will is.

and they have a plan B.

We will take it out again.

They wanted to do what the spokesperson said to add.

Or decree stopper.

One hour we are evaluating what we have been working

on for a long time in any case and logically notions.

But at all times knowing that the options see with the framework

current regulations.

It allows us solutions that for the migration phenomenon as it is in

The latter for the situation in the Canary Islands is still a patch.

Not only the situation in structural terms.

When we put forward the proposal the modification

of article 3 of 5 because we believe that it is the most solvent that gives the most


Which guarantees the rights of children, which generates a stable mechanism of interterritorial

Solidarity to make the reception mechanism

sustainable throughout the territory of our


That is why we propose the reform of article 35 so that it is not a

punctual solution a part without beginning to have a proposal for a

solution to the migration phenomenon.

Or welcoming the migratory phenomenon that is at the level of a society of law.

that we honestly want, which is what we had to work on.

Moving forward, I'm not leaving that plan B because the children are still in

the same circumstances as yesterday.

Well, or we have to finish closing it because let's say

that there were several options, this same tangle we are going to have different meetings


Migration territorial policy and the Ministry of Youth and Children

to address the different mechanisms where we are going

to study closely.

calmly but with a certain agility because the situation is unsustainable.

In the Canary Islands.

In any case, in a few days we will have a slightly more defined


That performance is the terrain, that cast is ruled out in other


We do not have to take responsibility for the fact that boys and girls

must somehow be welcomed as far as possible throughout our territory.

throughout the country.

Canaries at the front door.

but children come to our country we cannot leave children behind I have

to enforce children's rights for a

side and Lorca in addition to being responsible and supportive of the

Canary Islands.

because children come to Spain in terms of country.

Therefore, the country as a whole has to take charge and we are going to study

the options we have available at this time.

insist again that the most effective mechanism would be the reform of

article 35.

that it anticipates in the event of arrival phenomena.

Or from a certain number of boys and girls.

In a specific territory, it automatically provides for supportive reception.

binding for all territories.

In an efficient and planned way.

This is something that is being proposed to you.

with sufficient financing from the State.

I want to recover the idea that there are a series of elements that

the Popular Party proposed that they were already operating.

That is to say, the Popular Party does not present or

propose measures that we have not collected that have not already

been applied for months, in fact when they propose the immigration emergency, I believe

Remember that there is a declaration of immigration emergency

for the year 2023.

Which towel is current and will operate until at least September 2024.

Therefore I want to say that there are measures proposed by the Party

Popular in those demands that they raised that are still a series

of contradictions.

because there was no way to negotiate with it because many of the

elements that he demanded have already been fulfilled.

such as the guarantee of financing for the reform of article


They are already being applied by the government in any case, a point

has been reached.

In which we must propose an irresponsible structural solution and that

is where we propose the reform of article 35.

We believe that with all guarantees and also exist in an idea and it is

that yesterday what was blocked.

In the possibility of dialogue it is the possibility of processing the law.

were the moment we are in yesterday, that is, the door simply opened.

debate about the law with the possibility of collecting the

proposals of the different parliamentary groups.

List of everything that was done yesterday by the Popular Party blocking together with

God and with Vox.

They blocked the possibility of debate for the reform of this article 35.

I wanted to ask you, at no time did you consider withdrawing?

of the text as requested by one of the signatories of the text, which

is the Canarian coalition.

It's not about moving forward.

It's about seeing, it's about seeing if we are capable of dialogue around

a concrete solution proposed by the government.

Yesterday what the extreme right says.

What the right wing defended is that there is no room to be able

to speak in order to debate about a proposal to reform a

article of a law.

In what he clearly states.

We have to look for alternative mechanisms.

you can explore it you can explore various elements.

I don't want to advance any of us, we are going to settle down, worked long

tomorrow today.

But of course the blocking policy does not seem the most sensible for

the interests of children's rights in our country.

We are not only saying that this should not be about parties. Right

now everyone is talking about 6,000 boys and girls who are in the Canary Islands.

We are talking about a Canary Islands territory that has

high pressure due to the number of boys and girls they have there.

and we are talking about the fact that we should overcome the issue of

parties to the electronic issue is taking place behind the right issue.

And consider that we must find a solution to the rights of the tie

no knob leaves alone so stupid Canaria.

Therefore, I believe that transcending a little the internal issues of each organization

is not the time for this, we must be responsible with

the country.

We must be responsible for children's rights and establish mechanisms.

That law of the agency's immigration law is shelved.

Well, there is room for everything to the extent that there is a

vocation, it is also to sit down and dialogue but with serious proposals.

and with proposals that allow progress and that pre-allow planting

lawfully the scars deemed appropriate by each political force for

them and what to say that a good part of the demands that have come

from the different political groups.

Some elements that the Popular Party raised yesterday have even

been collected.

We answer affirmatively.

here there is no political force's will to focus on the

boys in girls in childhood that remember they are boys and girls.

in many cases of young age.

that carry human stories that are terrifying.

and I had to give an answer.

We cannot consider that children's rights are of character.

the full rights of children are voluntary.

Therefore we put on the agenda what we want to be a priority.

The needs of these boys and girls must be met and it must be done

in a supportive manner.

We want political will on the part of the adiposity

forces to agree.

there is a possibility of resuming the contract law proposal again

urgent or a royal decree but for this there must be a point of

political force.

to negotiate whose meaning too.

Against the odds, we are here trying everything, working on

all sides. Obviously, we have also spoken with God.

We understand that they demand that politics be taken into consideration

each catch and Catalonia has to recognize that it is one of the


boys and girls are welcomed.

therefore it must be taken into account.

to make a reception system that is sustainable with the available resources.

regardless that I insist on funding from the State

The proposal we are making was also guaranteed.

Previously, the previous process of reinforcement prohibited reception of each

autonomous community was being taken into account in the mechanism that

we are proposing.

They simply ask us a question of arithmetic distribution of

these children.

We are taking into account the rights of children, therefore a

a reception system that ensures the well-being of children and their right fully

takes into account the effort that each of the territories has made and

being an element is on the agenda.

because there are many and MEDE among the different publishers is a reality

and we want this to be a binding solidarity mechanism.

Junts, so to speak, gave the afternoon a little yesterday to the

The government looks stable. government only with this but also with the vote against the Fitz-James path. The government looks


Because of course the investiture partner joules.

There lies 2 of the most important things than the plenary session.

The truth is that the issue is a complicated afternoon.

But in the end we have the congress of deputies that reflected the correlation

of forces and the political diversity that another country has.

Of never getting used to the fact that democracy also works that way.

or to function like this with agreements between the different forces

policies that make up the parliamentary arc.

The government does not stop, the government does not stay or it will stay stopped.

We continue working, we have sought solutions to the problems

and we continue to support the legal agenda.

Which is the backbone of the progressive government.

At the same time or logically yesterday, this spending ceiling was rejected, but it does

not mean that they will continue processing the budgets.

but I have room to do it, it must be said that what was voted

yesterday or rejection means less resources also for the autonomous units.

and it is still curious that both they and the Popular Party

profoundly in this case the Popular Party also voted against a

spending ceiling.

the conditions that are going to cut back or limit the expansion that

we made of the proposal that was made.

in order to have more resources for autonomous meals where the Party

Popular is governing.

This unfortunately could have an effect on the living conditions of the

people who live.

these autonomous communities.

but also to say the government's commitment to continue providing rights

and continue reinforcing them in some way.

And guaranteeing rights the social agenda because for us it

continues to be a priority through budgets.

You believe that they are a reliable partner.

I am going to believe that we have the reality that we have

at the parliamentary level.

We have an enormous capacity for dialogue, we have

an enormous predisposition to reach agreements with the parliamentary force.

and that we have to deal with this correlation of forces that exists.

Trying at all times to agree with a fixed objective.

and in improving people's lives for us this is a central element.

and generate mechanisms that guarantee the most guarantees possible

for their expansion of rights.

Rego, tras el rechazo a la reforma de la ley de Extranjería: "Llevamos tiempo trabajando en opciones 'B'"

"Habría varias opciones... Las vamos a estudiar con tranquilidad, pero con una cierta agilidad porque la situación es insostenible en Canarias. En unos días vamos a tener una opción un poco más definida", ha dicho.

Entre ellas, Rego no ha descartado aprobar esta reforma por real decreto, como apuntó el martes en los pasillos del Congreso el portavoz de Sumar, Íñigo Errejón, lo que permitiría comenzar con los traslados de jóvenes inmediatamente.

"Creemos que si hay voluntad política por parte de las fuerzas hay posibilidad de acuerdo. Hay posibilidad de retomar de nuevo la proposición de ley con carácter urgente o incluso de llevar un real decreto, pero para esto tiene que haber acuerdo y tiene que haber voluntad de las fuerzas políticas", ha señalado.

Clavijo exige un decreto ley para el reparto de los menores

Por su parte, el presidente de Canarias, Fernando Clavijo, ha exigido un decreto ley para acoger a los menores inmigrantes entre las comunidades autónomas, y ha criticado el "empecinamiento" del PSOE para que el martes se votase la propuesta para modificar la ley de extranjería.

En el pleno del Parlamento de Canarias, y en respuesta a preguntas que sobre la reforma de la ley de extranjería de PP, ASG, AHI, Vox y Nueva Canarias-Bloque Canarista (NC-BC), Fernando Clavijo también ha dicho que son días duros en los que "uno no es capaz de entender que, una vez más, la política se pone por encima de los derechos humanos".

Fernando Clavijo se siente "perplejo" por lo ocurrido en el Congreso de los Diputados, y ha hecho hincapié en que tras consensuar un texto con el Gobierno de España el 25 y el 26 de junio, contra el que votaron Junts, PP, UPN y Vox, "inexplicablemente" desde entonces no se ha producido "ni una reunión" entre el ejecutivo central y esos grupos.