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Junts insiste en la repetición electoral en Cataluña ante un posible pacto de PSC y ERC: "Illa representa el 155"

  • Su portavoz en el Senado defiende que hay una mayoría independentista suficiente y vuelve a pedir la abstención al PSC
  • Recuerda a Sánchez que "no tiene un pacto de legislatura, sino pactos puntuales" para los que deberá negociar "pieza a pieza"

Las Mañanas de RNE - Junts descarta apoyar "en estos momentos" una moción de censura al Gobierno - Escuchar ahora

Junts apuesta por la repetición electoral en Cataluña, pese a insistir en que existe una mayoría independentista como alternativa a la investidura del socialista Salvador Illa que negocian PSC y ERC. Así lo ha expresado este jueves el portavoz de la formación en el Senado, Josep Lluís Cleries, en una entrevista en Las mañanas de RNE, en la que ha lanzado múltiples dardos a los republicanos también por sus acuerdos con el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez en el Congreso de los Diputados.

"Hay una mayoría independentista suficiente para plantar cara a un señor, Salvador Illa, que representa la aplicación del 155 y se fotografió con la extrema derecha contra Cataluña en 2017", ha afirmado el senador, que se despidió este miércoles para jubilarse tras 11 años de trabajo en la Cámara Alta.

Cleries considera "muy difícil" la aritmética resultado de las elecciones catalanas, donde el PSC fue el partido más votado, seguido de Junts. "Si hubiera coherencia, yo vería más una repetición electoral", ha valorado sobre las conversaciones de republicanos y socialistas para investir a Illa, si bien, "la democracia es aceptar lo que acabe pasando".

"Si hubiera coherencia, yo vería más una repetición electoral"

Con todo, ha insistido en su preferencia por un Govern independentista y ha defendido que existe la mayoría en el Parlament para ello, aunque la suma de los escaños de ERC, Junts y CUP es de 59 y la mayoría absoluta se sitúa en 68. "El PSC tendría que hacer un pequeño movimiento, pero parece que no está dispuesto a hacerlo", han sido sus palabras para volver a pedir la abstención al grupo mayoritario.

De hecho, poco después el mismo día, la ministra de Educación y portavoz del Gobierno, Pilar Alegría, ha sido entrevistada en La Hora de La 1 y se ha mostrado "optimista" de cara a una posible investidura de Illa como nuevo president de la Generalitat de Cataluña,

"Hay que dar tiempo al tiempo, es una responsabilidad que está liderando el PSC con el resto de los partidos Ojalá sea posible porque los catalanes han pedido esa nueva etapa con un gobierno liderado por Illa. Fruto de este diálogo se puede salir más pronto que tarde un Gobierno que se dedique a lo importante, unir y servir", ha apostillado.

No recomendado para menores de 16 años Pilar Alegría se muestra “optimista” con las negociaciones para investir a Illa: “Hay que dar tiempo al tiempo”
Transcripción completa

Pilar Alegría, good morning.

- What's up good morning.

- There we already see her prepared for the games.

We heard Feijoo ask the president to resign,

for issues related to his wife.

The PP insists on that and prevents explanations,

Have sufficient explanations been given?

- Well obviously.

Furthermore, when we talk about this matter or this case,

I think that the first thing to say,

Doing it with absolute clarity means there is no point.

The OCU and Civil Guard reports themselves have clearly shown that

there is no case.

We are observing that the opposition you carry day after day,

generating noise and taking the exaggeration to its maximum


and it is surely the result of his absolute lack of project,

but this country and consists of basing its entire strategy,

in the noise strategy and of course from now on,

in that constant strategy of attacking the government,

the president fundamentally.

I already feel sorry for Mr. Feijó.

Since last July 23rd, the rest has just turned one year old,

and he sees everything well that parallel

reality, which he does not sense because I do not want to,

and I certainly understand all its manifestations.

-Do you think the hairstyles judge is overstepping his or her duties?

- Look, I'm certainly not leaving, I'm not going to try with any objective.

about a judge.

It is seen clearly and evidently,

is that the right and extreme right Sacyr an absolute political cause

with the sole objective of undermining the government,

especially president of the government.

I warn you that this government has already been practically working,

until the first year of the legislature.

When you look back at what

has been accomplished,

I think it is important for citizens

to know that fortunately we have higher levels of employment,

historical events in which we had recognized our country.

Our economies are the ones where our union grows the most.

It is a pioneering law and once again puts in our country,

in those standards.

This works to be what we are going to dedicate ourselves to,

during these 3 years that we have left of the legislature.

That voice in our vocation and our dedication,

during all this time.

Something happened that was waiting for us.

-It is a reality that we are obviously a government,

with a parliamentary minority.

Every law that has already been submitted to the Congress of Deputies,

you have to work on it.

Last Tuesday there were 6 votes.

Allowed favors the reduction of VAT,

on products as important as VAT and other foods.

That minors be taken in an equitable manner,

not also left because of that negative and supportive vote,

on the part of the PP that I want to remember,

It is a state party,

At this moment he is governing note autonomous communities.

Certainly that other vote to which you put them,

the Essen of the stability objectives, they

did not come out but it seems very important to me,

remember that the autonomous meals of the

PP did not vote against,

when he met with the finance minister.

They knew that their objectives,

I hope it costs more than 10.

That is to say, they had a

greater margin to continue investing in policies,

as important as education,

in health and independence.

The PP with that strategy of attack and demolition,

They decided to go against those

and implements, voting against this objective evidence of stability.

-How would you define Junts' strategy?

- Obviously they decided not to vote for these

objectives, I want to remember that not voting for these objectives,

They represent ₠1,500,000,000 less for Catalonia.

we remember it. It is also very important that we remember it.

I certainly wish we had gotten another vote and another

chicken, from Kunz.

A party that defines itself as a state party,

that the official and financial conference itself,

They did not vote against and yet,

Last Tuesday they decided once again,

give them a strategy of attack and takedown,

and vote against, which in the end is not a vote against,

but those most harmed by this vote against are

the tyrants of the comedies, another one,

because the autonomous meals themselves,

They are going to have

more restrictions, when it comes to being able to continue investing,

in education public policies,

which are the main ones in the autonomous communities.

-Should Junts have warned you that this was going to happen?

- Every LLas we have to negotiate.

Mostly they were supported 4 to 6,

and with this reality we have been living not now,

but also during the last legislature.

There are those who talk about stability and instability,

and today the PP said that as far as I know

the last legislature, they energized their fellow citizen governments,

and in that legislature,

Vox to you this love relationship,

in less than a year with which we are aware,

what our parliamentary situation is.

We are going to continue working during this term.

-Optimistic before the investiture of Salvador Illa?

- Optimistic, you have to give time to time.

It is a management that is being led by both the PSC,

like the rest of the games.

I hope it is possible

above all, because it has clearly been the Catalans,

On May 12, those who asked

for this new stage in Catalonia,

and a government led by Salvador Perilla,

and we hope that as a result

of this dialogue, you can move forward as a missionary,

and that sooner rather than later we will have a government,

in Catalonia that the important one is dedicated.

I think it is important to take steps forward,

and of course pay attention to what the Catalans

themselves said forcefully in the past regional elections.

-Are we going to surpass the 22 medals from Barcelona 92?

- Yeah.

We athletes are a little less than 24 hours away,

of the inauguration.

In those last nervous hours,

and they surely have moments of crisis,

but it is true that the power and greatness of the 382 athletes,

that they have arrived here in

Paris, makes us think for all,

In the tests they already undergo, they pass from living,

and improving before arriving here in Paris.

It makes us think that this figure, the Olympics,

in Barcelona they are going to be surpassed.

-See if there is a desire for games,

in Spain's first game which was yesterday at 3,

000 and a half viewers saw it. More than 1,000,000 and a half spectators watched it.

Is there a sport that you like more than others?

- We are going to try to visit as many disciplines as possible.

Then there are others that occur in other cities, specifically fives and

French cities,

but pretty let's find out it will accompany the most athletes possible,

by the government.

Logically, I would like to be able to accompany Carolina Marie,

to different athletes who, from the perspective,

are going to give them all the support of love and recognition,

I have no doubt that all the Spanish people have it.

-Is it so complicated to get around Paris these days?

- The truth is that if there is enough security on the streets,

and I arrived last night,

and it is true that the most central night,

In the entire part of the river it is quite limited,

but good with the entry of the accreditations,

Let's hope that traffic flows with some normality.

The first hours before the inauguration, everything

is always closed,

but I believe and hope that little by little,

people can also move a little more easily.

It is normal to think about the number of thousands and thousands of people,

who are going to concentrate who Paris.

Everything has to be guaranteed as much as possible,

They even know that we even have civil guards.

I'm sure there are some great games,

and we can celebrate the Olympic Games,

and from August 28 the Paralympics.

-I really enjoyed it, I wish I was there.

Thank you very much minister.

-Thank you and very good morning.

Pilar Alegría se muestra “optimista” con las negociaciones para investir a Illa: “Hay que dar tiempo al tiempo”

Recuerda a Sánchez que no son socios y que negociarán "pieza a pieza"

En cuanto a las relaciones con el Gobierno central, Cleries ha recordado al presidente Pedro Sánchez que "no tiene un pacto legislatura, sino pactos puntuales" para los que deberá negociar, "pieza a pieza".

"Se debe creer muy resistente, porque cuando no tienes mayoría y dependes de otras fuerzas políticas, tienes que acordar", ha afirmado, con una referencia al libro del mandatario socialista Manual de resistencia. "Nosotros no somos socios, aunque estamos dispuestos a pactar tema por tema", ha afirmado también.

La advertencia llega después de que miércoles el Gobierno perdiera dos votaciones importantes en el Pleno del Congreso: la admisión a trámite de la reforma de la Ley de Extranjería y los objetivos de déficit, ambos proyectos tumbados por los votos de PP, Vox y Junts.

"Estaría bien que contara con que Junts tiene opinión. A otras formaciones las tienen siempre a su disposición", ha señalado, en un nuevo dardo contra la habitual alianza de ERC y PSOE en el Congreso.

Finalmente, preguntado por si apoyarían una moción de censura del PP contra Sánchez, como sugirió el diputado Gabriel Rufián (ERC) en el Congreso, el senador lo ha descartado: "En estos momentos no es el escenario que veo. El papel de Junts […] es condicionar al Gobierno en cuestiones clave".

Cleries se despidió este miércoles de la Cámara Alta —ahora el Parlament designará un nuevo senador y Junts elegirá a su portavoz— con una reivindicación de los valores democráticos y el "respeto" en la discrepancia, donde cabe incluso "la amistad entre personas y territorios".