Reino Unido identifica al tercer español fallecido en el naufragio del pesquero Argos Georgia
- Los fallecidos españoles residían en los municipios gallegos de Vigo, Baiona y Noia
- Un cuarto marinero español continúa desaparecido y es vecino de Ribeira
Reino Unido ha confirmado que el tercer español fallecido en el naufragio del pesquero Argos Georgia del pasado julio es un vecino de Noia (A Coruña), que hasta la fecha formaba parte de la lista de desaparecidos. Aún se desconoce cuándo se producirá la repatriación de los cuerpos.
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Reino Unido ha informado al Ejecutivo español de que ya se ha completado la identificación de los cuerpos de los tres españoles que perdieron la vida. Finalmente, los fallecidos españoles se corresponden con vecinos de Vigo, Baiona y Noia. Mientras que el cuarto marinero español que continúa desaparecido era de Ribeira. Además, cuatro gallegos han sobrevivido a la tragedia.
La Delegación del Gobierno en Galicia ha indicado que la autoridad británica ha expedido certificados de defunción provisionales para autorizar la repatriación, aunque todavía se desconoce la fecha concreta en la que esta ocurrirá. "El delegado del Gobierno ha informado ya a las familias y a la Xunta de Galicia", ha añadido la Delegación en unas declaraciones remitidas a los medios de comunicación.
El pesquero Argos Georgia naufragó frente a las Islas Malvinas el pasado 23 de julio, saldándose la catástrofe con nueve fallecidos, 14 supervivientes y cuatro desaparecidos.
A la espera de la repatriación de los fallecidos
Mientras, las familias de los fallecidos en el naufragio siguen a la espera de la repatriación de los cuerpos recuperados.
Preguntada sobre este asunto, la subdelegada del Gobierno en A Coruña, María Rivas, ha indicado este jueves que "las familias están en permanente contacto con el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y con el delegado del Gobierno", que les trasladan "información reciente y veraz sobre las fechas" de la repatriación.
In parallel to the official events, the BNG has celebrated
its now traditional nationalist demonstration
for Galicia Day.
A bittersweet celebration, because there, in Galicia
They are still dismayed by
the sinking of the Argos Georgia. The last we know is that they are already
in the Malvinas Islands the lifeless bodies of the nine who died in
the shipwreck and all the survivors,
among them the 6 Spaniards Ainara Suárez.
How are you? How are they?.
According to what the spokesperson for the survivors' families has informed us
They are stable, under medical supervision and without physical damage beyond wounds
and bruises.
They are in a state of shock, now they are
waiting to testify before the Malvinas authorities, who must clarify the causes.
of the sinking this weekend the Government wants to send a plane
to the islands to repatriate the survivors and deceased.
Search suspended.
With the Chilean and Vigo fishing
boats that participated in the rescue of the 'Argos Georgia'
Already in the capital of the Malvinas
Islands, all the survivors, 14, are on the ground.
24 hours before, the 6 Spaniards did it
aboard a Lilibet patrol boat.
All have received medical attention.
Three are from Ribeira, in A Coruña, where they await their return.
The captain is one of them.
"Psychologically, of course, at first they are in shock.
"They are shocked by what happened because of course,
it is a very, very delicate situation."
Both in Ribeira and in neighboring Noia, concern
is growing as
for the two sailors still missing.
"It's fatal, fatal...
For the people who knew them it has to be harder, you
know?" Of the two deceased, Santiago, the cook from Baiona,
He had only been fishing for hake in the South Atlantic for 3 months.
He was able to contact his relatives shortly before the shipwreck.
"Up to three hours before they were shipwrecked
He was talking to the
woman and before that he had talked to the parents.
From the family of sailors we had, since he was
the one who followed the tradition and left us"
The Government wants to repatriate both the deceased
as the survivors on a chartered plane in
the next few hours.
"Throughout the weekend we hope to make the trip and have
them in Spain"
Regarding the cause of the
sinking, experts are considering a possible block of ice.
"The most likely thing is that it is
a flood in the engine room or in some compartment,
Well, due to a hit by the sea with a block of ice
or similar" Which would cause the leak that the 'Argos Georgia' warned about hours before
the shipwreck.
Entre los fallecidos figuran los gallegos César Acevedo, vecino de Vigo y patrón de pesca del barco, y Santiago Leyenda, de Baiona (Pontevedra) y cocinero principal de la embarcación. Entre los desaparecidos, está el gallego Juan Antonio García Rey, conocido como 'Pichón' y relevo de máquinas, de Ribeira (A Coruña).