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Salvador Illa, el candidato paciente que pone fin a la hegemonía independentista en la Generalitat

Salvador Illa, el candidato paciente
El líder del PSC, Salvador Illa, en un acto de partido. Alberto Paredes / Europa Press

El acuerdo entre PSC y ERC para investir a Salvador Illa como presidente de la Generalitat —refrendado por las bases de la formación republicana— culmina un largo proceso de más de tres años en el que el candidato de los socialistas catalanes ha sabido aguardar su momento de forma discreta, buscando de manera paciente los acuerdos para lograr la Presidencia.

Illa ha sido investido presidente de la Generalitat de Cataluña con el apoyo de ERC y Comuns en un pleno marcado por la aparición y nueva fuga de Puigdemont, rompiendo un período de casi tres lustros en el que el Govern ha estado dominado por los partidos independentistas: concretamente desde que en diciembre de 2010 el también socialista José Montilla fue relevado en el cargo por el convergente Artur Mas.

Salvador Illa nació en 1966 en La Roca del Vallès, un municipio situado a 40 kilómetros de Barcelona. Es el mayor de tres hermanos y sus padres trabajaban en el sector textil. Tras estudiar en los Escolapios de Granollers, en 1989 se licenció en Filosofía por la Universidad de Barcelona, para posteriormente estudiar un Máster en Economía y Dirección de Empresas en el IESE.

Casado y con dos hijos, Illa es aficionado al atletismo y a la agricultura y un celoso guardián de su vida privada, a pesar de ser muy activo en redes sociales, pero siempre en su faceta profesional.

Una carrera política marcada por la pandemia

Su carrera política arrancó en 1987 como concejal de Cultura en La Roca del Vallès, municipio de la que fue alcalde entre 1995 y 2005, ya como afiliado del PSC. Tras una década en la alcaldía de su localidad natal, dio el salto a la política autonómica al ser nombrado director general de Gestión de Infraestructuras del Departamento de Justicia de la Generalitat de Cataluña, hasta que el 2009 pasó a trabajar brevemente en el sector privado, como director general de una productora audiovisual.

Entre 2010 y 2011 ejerció como director de Gestión Económica del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y coordinador del Grupo Municipal Socialista en el consistorio entre 2011 y 2016. Tuvo un papel destacado en la incorporación del PSC al gobierno municipal de Barcelona tras el pacto con Barcelona en Comú, ejerciendo como gerente de Empresa, Cultura e Innovación.

Para todos los públicos La dirección de ERC avala el preacuerdo con el PSC para investir a Illa a cambio de un "concierto fiscal" para Cataluña
Transcripción completa

(speaks in catalan)

-(speaks in Catalan)


our goal is independence.

We have to be more and better prepared,

This pre-agreement allows us to be better

prepared for the objective of independence.

This fiscal sovereignty rescued at 100 × 100 was fundamental,

and we had to guarantee it in a

structural way, it could not depend on good will.

We have reached very important agreements,

the amnesty law, the statutes,

but this unique financing that is sustainable over time, regardless

of who governs,

we have to have the guarantee of the necessary modifications.

The other fundamental element

It is clear, the key to the nation,

Without the language there is no nation,

We are aware of the emergency situation of our language,

For the republican government, the policies of the


our language is 3 years old to guarantee it,

so all agreements had to contain important weight,

The language was a central element of this Catalonia.

There is an agreement on the creation of the linguistic policy department

a much-needed agreement so that language policies

remain on the table as a fundamental element,

and it is very important to guarantee social use among young people,

the visual impulse is important to maintain,

the language in schools is guaranteed in classes,

and we have to be able to go further,

to guarantee extracurricular activities,

and use in those countries where the most important languages, where

linguistic rights are not guaranteed.

The issue of financing and language, also conflict resolution


A national convention is created that must include

to all parliamentary forces chaired by ERC.

We believe that it is very important that the PSC recognizes this,

It is not a thing between

Catalans, there is a conflict between Catalonia and the State,

and the party that has won the elections has to have it on


We are independentists because we believe that independence

Is the only way,

but it is also important that the PSC makes its

proposals and the agreements have to be endorsed.

One last folder that has to do with Republican policies,

essential topics, the daily lives of people and their needs,

everything that has to do with free, essential element,

guarantee the continuity of equality counseling,

and I could do a long etc. Of the issues.

These are headlines, it's very late and we've all been there for many hours,

It is an informative meeting also for our militancy,

Let them know before the media,

because it is a pre-agreement created practically unanimously,

but we have to subject it to the evaluation of militancy.

This pre-agreement will be submitted to the ERC militancy,

and the resulting result will be binding.

It remains at your disposal.

- If you can confirm that the consultation will be on Friday.

And if you can confirm that there have been movements.

If it involves its own tax agency.

And if this pre-agreement will be in the next few hours.

-The colleagues who have participated are already arriving,

We started the press conference before it ended,

a little in deference to you,

It was important to inform the militancy,

Before the media found out,

because this pre-agreement was important for them to know.

The consultation will be on Friday,

It will be telematic between 9:00 in the morning and 8:00 in the afternoon,

also with an in-person part from 10:00 to 6:00 in certain


Also so that they can vote in person.

We are interested in the maximum possible participation,

The opinion of the militancy is essential,

and I take this opportunity to encourage the militancy to vote.

This process is essential,

that the militancy has all the information.

We will make it available to everyone later.

- I think there has been a lot of political reflection,

With the moment we have been in, very mature, the executive is very interesting

and I take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their tone.

There have been movements on the part of the PSOE at the last minute,

that have been transferred to the negotiating

team, that there were more guarantees in this agreement.

We have a feeling of distrust with the PSOE,

Although we have achieved different agreements with

them, we needed them to be structural.

Regardless of the good will of a government,

this sovereignty was the key to sovereignty.

ERC's claim,

also of the independence movement for many years, we follow it


-Insist on the economic agreement,

I would like you to explain what it consists of

100 of personal income tax, and if they have regulatory capacity.

If they have regulatory capacity to set how much they can collect.

-Note that it is the key to the box,

that we move forward very decisively,

The Tax Agency of Catalonia will settle and

inspect the taxes paid in Catalonia,

We talk about personal income tax, corporations, VAT,

and of all the taxes collected in Catalonia,

this cannot happen from today to tomorrow,

We have to agree on the calendar we have.

Tomorrow we will be able to give more details.

The first step will be that the 2025 income,

The personal income tax that we all

pay until 2025, 2026 will be collected in Catalonia.

In the meantime there will be a series of mechanisms.

We are working now for the rent on the 24th.

We are talking about the income of the 25th that begins in January.

And there will also be mechanisms.

There will be mechanisms to correct the tax difference.

With the resources to protect investments in Catalonia.

I insist that tomorrow the economic advisor and those who know more than me

The Falciani will give more details.

-Insist on the economic agreement,

This has a calendar, what is the date of full sovereignty.

Regardless of who governs in Madrid.

I don't know if you can tell a little more about the mechanisms.

-We will get into these more specific

topics, but there will be modifications that are necessary.

To ensure that unique financing is implemented in our


I would be lying to you if I told you what the exact date is,

We have been meeting for

many hours, but starting tomorrow we will provide all the details

and the fine print of the agreement.

I will not go wrong.

-I would like to know about the collection of taxes

through the Catalan tax agency,

If 100 × 100 of personal income tax will remain,

I also do not understand if Catalonia leaves the regime communities.

-Catalonia leaves the common regime in relation to 100 × 100 taxes

Catalonia pays the State for the services it provides,

and there will be a solidarity quota,

as long as we are not independent, which is our goal,

We will contribute a fixed solidarity fee,

100 of taxes.

-If we leave the common regime,

If the collection of the 25th will be with

this law, there will be a new financing law for Catalonia, it will be a law


-Yes, we will have to see the necessary modifications,

so that Catalonia has the key to the fund,

the collection of 100 × 100 of the taxes,

and let's enter the economic concert where Catalonia pays the State.

There will be modifications, Ana I cannot tell you specifically.

This is a pre-agreement.

- Good afternoon.

Insist on the theme of the common regime,

who would make the necessary modifications.


When we talk about the necessary modifications the

pre-agreement indicates that law.

-I would like to know if when you talk about the key

to the box, 100 on the 26th we will have it.

And I would like to know if the agreement

has the approval of the Ministry of Finance,

or the guarantees will depend on the Ministry.

Yes it would mean that the current agency increases.

And what resources will it have?

-I insist that it is the initial press conference,

This has the validation of the Ministry,

Zero should ask the PSOE, it has the validation of the PSOE, they

will talk between Ministries.

The Catalan Tax Agency will have to grow,

We are talking about a historical demand of our country,

We have always demanded a fair financing model, and the key to

the box.

It is essential to meet the needs of the people.

The diversity of the classrooms,

needs to give a response that they attend to you in 2 days and not in 5

We also talk about home resources,

a need that the government in Catalonia no longer has,

that the country has, and it has to be addressed,

and ERC has fought it from the beginning and we continue,

It is to serve the needs of the people in the best possible way.

- Insist on leaving the common regime, if there is a date.

You have talked about the issue of 2026, but when would it be?

And in the 2025 income, which would be collected on the 26th,

If we talk about the Tax Agency of Catalonia Lao

would collect.

100 of the taxes will be collected and inspected by the Tax

Agency of Catalonia and by the Personal Income Tax.

And don't ask me to get into more specific things.

We start with the recapture of personal income tax and the 100 × 100.

We will see the rest of the

modifications, but what we present is significant enough.

The first part is fiscal sovereignty,

100, in this case the personal income tax.

It will be managed, collected, settled and inspected.

- When this happens in 2026,

How is the process and contribution to solidarity guaranteed?

- All this is for note.

You are asking me to enter many details of the agreement,

we will do them starting tomorrow,

because it is very important, because this is a pre-agreement,

Today we have already held an information session,

It was important that the militancy knew it first,

but these small details out of respect for our militancy,

We will give

them all, and today we have this pre-agreement proposal.

We value it very positively.

It is a giant step in terms of sovereignty,

We have said it since October 1,

to achieve the independence of our country,

we need to be more prepared.

And we believe that with this agreement we are more prepared.

The people who have negotiated and know more details,

we will explain everything to them.

We are interested in being understood.

- They maintain that this support for the investiture endures.

If it is not executed, it would go to the opposition.

- At some point it said about a temporary tax consortium

- No, it is due to the execution of the investments.

They are 2 separate things.

It is a consortium to guarantee that execution continues,

a little more guaranteed than 50%.

It's irony.

- Regarding the national convention for the resolution of the conflict,

we understand that it is a table of Catalan parties,

and what happens at the negotiating table with the PSOE.

- The national convention for political resolution will be

held by the Parliament of Catalonia.

And all formations will have to have the proposals.

It is important that all formations

recognize the existence of a conflict.

Before there was talk of an internal conflict and now it is political

between Catalonia and the State, ERC has been very clear.

The self-determination referendum is what we believe in.

But we also have to listen to the force that wins the elections.

We had not heard anything yet about this conflict.

It's important to remember,

which will be chaired by an ERC official,

and any agreement that comes out of here has to be endorsed,

according to the negotiating table,

fruit of those negotiations that come before.

As a result of this negotiation we have achieved

sedition or pardons and also amnesty, which seemed impossible,

and now we need to move forward in resolving the political conflict.

We will tell you what questions you will be asked.

Because it has to be agreed upon.

Starting tomorrow we will have the full resolution.

We no longer have the brains to think of questions.

- The modification of the financing does not require the guarantee.

It also needs a majority in Congress.

-Above all, it needs the commitment of the State government, which is

what we have negotiated.

Without that commitment it would be impossible,

ERC with the PSOE has the commitment to make it the


-To achieve a parliamentary majority they need the support

of Junts and Compromís.

-Junts pel Cataluña it is evident that in the demand,

The economic agreement and fiscal security is historic,

and no one would understand that Junts did not provide support.

I can't imagine that they won't support a historical claim,

because we have shared demands many times,

We have also claimed the millions of euros.

And it is support that we take for granted.

- And the doubts about the internal consultation that happens.

Whether the negotiations are over or depends on the percentage.

-Negotiations would end.

We have been very transparent, and we are talking about the same day,

where there was going to be a last minute modification,

The moment the polls have given the responsibility, the

PSC is the one who won the elections.

They will undergo a consultation this Friday.

La dirección de ERC avala el preacuerdo con el PSC para investir a Illa a cambio de un "concierto fiscal" para Cataluña

En 2016, el entonces primer secretario del PSC, Miquel Iceta, confió en Illa como secretario general del Área de Organización, cargo en el que comenzó a adquirir una mayor relevancia. Conocido fue su posicionamiento en contra del desafío independentista de 2017, una postura que mostró en público con su asistencia a la manifestación organizada por Societat Civil Catalana.

Pero también participó activamente en las negociaciones que propiciaron la abstención de Esquerra en enero de 2020 para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez y la puesta en marcha del primer gobierno de coalición entre PSOE y Unidas Podemos.

Sánchez confió en Salvador Illa dándole un sillón en el Consejo de Ministros como titular de Sanidad, sector en el que no contaba con experiencia previa. Apenas dos meses después, con la declaración del estado de alarma a consecuencia de la pandemia de la COVID-19, Illa pasó a ser uno de los rostros más populares del Gobierno, debido a sus comparecencias regulares para informar sobre la situación sanitaria y los avances en el proceso de vacunación.

Victoria electoral sin premio

Un proceso que apenas pudo gestionar, ya que en enero de 2021 se hizo público lo que era un secreto a voces: su decisión de abandonar el Ministerio de Sanidad para presentarse como candidato del PSC a las elecciones catalanas de febrero de ese año. Unos comicios en los que el PSC logró la victoria, aunque con un empate a 33 escaños con ERC y con Junts pisando los talones de ambos, con 32.

Este resultado propició un nuevo gobierno independentista en Cataluña, aunque liderado en esta ocasión por el republicano Pere Aragonès. A pesar de que Illa mostró su disposición a presentarse a la investidura, los acuerdos de ERC con Junts y la CUP dieron al traste con sus intenciones.

Sin embargo, las relaciones entre los partidos independentistas que pactaron la investidura de Aragonès no fueron precisamente plácidas y en muchas ocasiones fue el propio PSC quien se comportó como socio de gobierno, acordando con los republicanos asuntos clave como los presupuestos autonómicos, con el trasfondo del entendimiento de ambas formaciones en Madrid.

Fin al dominio independentista

Fue la imposibilidad de aprobar las cuentas públicas de 2024 —por la oposición de los 'comunes' al megaproyecto de Hard Rock— lo que propició la decisión de Pere Aragonès de convocar elecciones anticipadas en las que, por primera vez en la última década, los independentistas perdieron la mayoría absoluta y, con ello, la posibilidad de conformar un nuevo gobierno separatista.

En la campaña, el líder del PSC mostró su lado conciliador y pidió en sus mítines dejar atrás el pasado y apostar por "un tiempo nuevo" en Cataluña, centrado en generar "estabilidad" y "prosperidad".

Illa no solo revalidó la victoria, sino que logró 42 escaños, nueve más que en 2021, y se perfiló como el único candidato con opciones reales de alcanzar una investidura. Al PSC las cuentas le salían con el apoyo de los 'comunes' —dispuestos desde el principio— y republicanos, mucho más reacios a un acuerdo y envueltos en su propio cisma interno a causa de su fracaso en los comicios, en los que se dejaron 13 escaños.

Pero ERC no dio facilidades para las negociaciones y puso sus propias condiciones, con la soberanía fiscal y la potenciación de uso del catalán como algunas de sus exigencias. A ello se sumó la puesta en marcha del reloj electoral que fijó la fecha límite del 26 de agosto para acordar una investidura o ir de nuevo a las urnas.

Una serie de obstáculos que Illa ha logrado salvar con un acuerdo que ha sido refrendado por las bases del partido republicano, que de este modo facilitan la investidura del líder del PSC, tras tres años aguardando de manera paciente el momento para alcanzar la Presidencia de la Generalitat