Desenfundamos un puñado de discos punk rockers de aquí y de allá, de ayer y de antesdeayer. Playlist; The Briefs (Rotten love), The Cute Lepers (The news is always the same), The Cyanide Pills (Conquer the world), Thee Suckin’ Dicks (The top of my knife), Vigilante Gitano (Piño lata), Teen Dogs (Let’s do it tonight), Nuevo Catecismo Católico (Bad angel’s screams), Discípulos de Dionisos (Tracy Lords), The Spivs (Radio), The Spits (Don’t shot), Marked Men (Right here with you), Bad Sports (Can’t just be friends), Tranzmitors (Some girls), Parkinsons (Bedsit city), The Gee Strings (Punk), Nobunny (I’m a girlfriend), The Blind Shake (Porto Alegre), The Hex Dispenders (Are you an assassin), No Tomorrow Boys (Rocknroll uber alles) y Ming City Rockers (I wanna get out of here but I can’t take you anywhere). (30/08/16)