English Language Broadcast   The astounding recovery of the Iberian Lynx 23/07/2024 30:25

Only twenty years ago, there were less than 100 Iberian Lynxes in Spain... Now the latest census shows that there are more than 2000 specimens of Iberian Lynx in the Peninsula. This extraordinary improvement means that the species is no longer considered "endangered" and is now categorized as "vulnerable". 

This was made possible thanks to the efforts of several organizations and projects that promote its recovery and conservation, one of which is LIFE Lynxconnect. To tell us more about what they have done throughout these past two decades and what is left to be done, we spoke with Guillermo Lopez.

Also in this broadcast, we hear a report abuot the review of the Moroccan family code by Laura Valentina Cortés Sierra, from Radio 5.

English Language Broadcast
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