Alison and Justin read what will no doubt be the final batch of letters and e-mails read over the airwaves, from listeners in India, the USA, Sweden, Italy, and Japan. We have been especially eager to answer your letters in light of RTVE's official announcement that Radio Exterior's short wave broadcasts will be eliminated as of zero hours Madrid local time on October 15. Coinciding with this development, a group of radio enthusiasts has created a petition not to shut down REE's shortwave broadcasts at: (if you want to sign, visit the website and do a search for "radio exterior"). This final Listeners Club program (well, who really knows for sure what the future will hold?) includes schmaltzy "thank you" songs we hope do the job for us of telling you how much we have appreciated your interest over the years in Radio Exterior's broadcasts and, generally, in Spain. As always, thanks for tuning in! And ¡Hasta siempre! (13/10/14).