English Language Broadcast   West Nile Virus: Is there an epidemic in Spain? 13/08/2024 31:29

As our country leaves behind the fourth heat wave of this summer, concerns about the consequences of unusually warm temperatures continue to rise. One of these consequences is the increase of mosquito population, especially in humid areas of our country. 

In Andalusia, the West Nile Virus worries citizens as several cases have been detected in the last few weeks. Neighbours of the affected regions have organized protests to ask for more measures to protect them and experts agree that prevention is key. To learn more about this virus we speak with Jordi Figuerola, researcher from the Doñana Biological Reserve. And we also hear from Juan José Sánchez Silva, founder of the platform "Lucha contra el virus del Nilo" (Fight against the Nile virus)

English Language Broadcast
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