Próxima parada en Radio 5   Soul de lujo con Nando Picó & Incognito y Francisca Thomas 16/02/2021 01:08:32

Nando Picó "No News Good News" - Francisca Thomas & Incognito "Fall into my love" - Joe Leavy "Inside you" - Jack Tyson Charles "Something" - Darryl Anders Agapesoul "Bulletproof" - Myles Sanko "Freedom is you" - Mamas Gun "This is the day" - Yolanda Parker "Everything you do blows my mind" - Regi Myrix & Hil St. Soul "One life" - Matt Johnson "With the music" - Strike One "Guilty pleasure" - N.G. Band "Ain't nobody" - Roberta Gentile "Play me" - Debra Debs "Dreams" - Incognito & Vanessa Haynes "Silver shadow"


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