A judge will decide if the anniversary of the Canary Island tricolour flag can be celebrated
The Government Delegation in the Canary Islands has asked for the precautionary suspension of all the events planned to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the tricolour flag. They believe that it is a symbol of independence and compare it with the Catalan estelada.
The Canary Island tricolour flag turns 52. To celebrate the anniversary, different institutions have scheduled event over the weekend. But whether they will finally go ahead or not depends on a judge. The Government Delegation in the Canary Islands feels that raising the flag at public institutions is illegal, and that is why it has asked for the precautionary suspension of all the events planned. Something also defended by the spokeswoman of the Popular political group, María Australia Navarro, for whom the tricolour flag does not represent the rights and freedoms of all the Canary Islanders.
However its defenders do not understand the controversy. This is the case of the president of the Gran Canaria Island Council, Antonio Morales, who plans on raising the flag at the island council building. He believes that as long as it does not replace the official flag, as occurred last year in Lanzarote, there is no need to create conflict. Furthermore, the mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, José Manuel Bermúdez, sees no problem, comparing raising this flag to raising the gay pride or gypsy community flags on their days.