The Law of the Sea

Monaco's Red Cross Award at the Montecarlo TV Festival (2024) and best drama series at the PRIX Italia Awards (2024)

Promo La Ley del Mar



Prime Time Series – Drama / Based on true events

1S - 3 x 45’

Starring Luis Tosar and Blanca Portillo, the series tells the true story of the fishing boat 'Francisco and Catalina' in 2006. That summer, the sailors were working at sea when they came across a ship full of people. On board were about 50 migrants, including two pregnant women and a two-year-old girl, who had been drifting for days.

They quickly took them all on board to save them, following the “law of the sea”, but the laws on land are different, and they did not expect the consequences.

None of them knew anything about diplomatic conflicts or immigration policies when they decided to help them. That is why, when the 'Francisco y Catalina' headed for the nearest port, in Malta, a patrol boat prevented them from passing and prohibited them from disembarking. Thus began nine long days in which the ship was left in no man's land, with more than 50 people living together in barely fifty square meters and with the little food that the small fishing boat had.

Sharing food, water, bathroom and space. When the immigrants slept on deck, where they could, the crew stayed awake in case anyone needed help. A mixture of English and Italian was used to communicate with each other.


La ley del mar

Within the legal framework, the “Law of the Sea” determines the obligation of a ship's captain to provide assistance to those in distress at sea, regardless of their nationality, legal status or circumstances. This is a long maritime tradition, but it is also enshrined in international law, as set out in the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. However, what for José Durá and his crew were people in need of help, for Europe they were illegal immigrants that they did not want to welcome in their territories.

The humanitarian odyssey of the sailors of the 'Francisco y Catalina' was widely recognized upon their return. They were awarded the Red Cross Gold Medal, were nominated for the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord that year and received great institutional support. That ship no longer exists, but years later, it continues to be a symbol of humanity, solidarity and the true Law of the Sea. Now, its history can be known in more depth in the miniseries.



Luis Tosar gives life to Pepe, the skipper and owner of the ship. Blanca Portillo plays the Spanish ambassador in Malta, Andrea de Velasco Lorente. Sonia Almarcha is Pepi, Pepe's wife; Víctor Clavijo plays Vicent, the second skipper; and Alex Monner is Miquel, a sailor on his first voyage.


De izquierda a derecha: Vicent, Pepe, Lolo, Rober, Paco y Miquel

Lamine Thior plays Barack, a Sudanese migrant rescued from the ship; and Carlos Serrano plays Lolo, a veteran sailor. Alfonso Lara plays Paco, the cook, and Ramón Ródenas plays Rober, the boatswain.


Barack y Andrea de Velasco Lorente


Directed by: Alberto Ruiz Rojo

Cast: Luis Tosar, Sonia Almarcha, Blanca Portillo, Víctor Clavijo, Lamine Thior, Álex Monner, Alfonso Lara, Carlos Serrano, Ramón Ródenas, Eva Marciel, Pau Durá

Screenplay: Tatiana R. Vázquez and Víctor Pedreira

Technical crew: David Nieves (Editing), Fernando Vázquez (Editing), Eddi Walter (Sound), Carlos Faruolo (Sound), Mónica Valeiente (Make-up and hair), Montse Sancho (Wardrobe), Jeansy Asuz (Music)

Produced by: Rafa Parbus, Flipy

An RTVE production in collaboration with Studio60 and