El Asesino de la Baraja

COM El Asesino de la Baraja Promo subING


DOCUMENTARY SERIES – 3 x 45’ – True Crime

The year 2003. The whole world is holding its breath at the threat of a new war in Iraq.

In Madrid, the quarrels between criminal organizations dedicated to drug trafficking provoke more than 100 violent deaths a year. Homicide investigators are overwhelmed. However, they are about to face a case that will forever mark their professional careers.

In the early morning hours of February 5, a young airport worker is found murdered. He has been shot in the head at a bus stop. At the feet of the corpse, the police find a playing card, specifically an ace of cards. When the news is reported in the press, all the media speculate on the meaning of the card.

A few days later, the analysis of the ballistics department of the national police sets off all the alarms. The murder weapon is a very rare gun in our country. The most surprising thing is that it has been used on two more occasions, causing the death of 3 people. None of the victims is related to the young man at the bus stop; however, the way of killing is always the same, a shot in the head. It seems clear that this is a serial killer.

A month later, in Tres Cantos, a man approaches a couple and, without saying a word, shoots the boy in the head. As he is about to do the same to the young woman accompanying him, the gun is jammed. The assailant flees the scene of the crime leaving a trail behind him: a couple of drinks. The Guardia Civil and the National Police decide to join forces to hunt down the predator. They work against the clock, convinced that, sooner or later, there will be more deaths.

Unrest spreads throughout the city, no one knows where or when he will act again and, above all, no one understands why the "Killer of the Deck" kills.

Our main objective is to make the spectator live the story, be afraid, shudder or be moved. In other words, we tell reality (and we never stray from it) using fictional tools to provoke emotions.

But, in addition, no one has ever told the details of the investigation as we have done, no one has ever gotten journalists to come clean in front of the cameras as we have, and no one has ever had as many investigators as we have. On the other hand, we also have graphic and sound material from the police and judicial archives that has never seen the light of day before and that we believe provides valuable information to the story.


Directed by: Román Parrado

Produced por: Primavera Ruiz, Gemma Felius, Marta Vilanova

Technical team: Alberto Fernández (Dirección Contenidos), Enric Álvarez (Guion), Tomás Ybarra (Fotografía), Eugenio Saavedra (Producción ejecutiva), Patricia Alonso (Producción ejecutiva), Agustín Alonso (Producción ejecutiva), Carlos Prieto (Montaje), Joan Solsona (Montaje), Gal·la de Yzaguirre (Montaje)

Year: 2022