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Eurovisión 2011 | Participantes

Paradise Oskar, la apuesta de Finlandia en Eurovisión

Eurovisión 2011 - 1ª Semifinal - Finlandia

Paradise Oskar será el encargado de representar a Finlandia en Eurovisión 2011 con la canción "Da da dam".

Tras Paradise Oskar nos encontramos a Axel Ehnström, un cantante de Helsinki de tan solo 20 años apasionado del pop y el jazz al que le encanta expresar sus emociones a través de las canciones que lleva años componiendo.

Su nombre artístico lo toma prestado de uno de los personajes de la escritora Astrid Lindgren, un viejo vagabundo que se gana la vida tocando el acordeón.

Paradise Oskar consiguió su pasaporte a Düsseldorf después de recibir casi el 50% de los votos del público en la gran final nacional para elegir al candidato de Finlandia en Eurovisión. Su "Da da dam" es una canción que habla sobre el empeño de un niño por salvar el planeta, de estribillo pegadizo y que interpreta a la guitarra, siguiendo la estela del belga Tom Dice, quien quedó en el top ten de la final de Eurovisión el pasado año con su "Me and my guitar".

Letra de "Da da dam"

Peter is smart,

he knows each European country by heart.

He likes to sit under an apple tree on his yard

and wait for an apple to fall.

When Peter is nine

his teacher tells him that this planet is dying,

that someone needs to put an end to it all

and so when Peter comes home

he tells his mom:

I'm going out in the world

to save our planet.

And I ain't coming back

until she's saved.

I'll walk my way to see

the King and parliament.

If they don't help

I'll do it by myself.

I don't wanna be

Da da dam, da da dam

da da da da da da da

Peter is young,

he tries to talk

but no one listens to him.

Everybody's busy living and dying,

not thinking about what they're doing.

But look at the boy who

went out in the world

to save our planet.

And he ain't coming back

until she's saved.

He walked his way to see

the King and parliament.

But they all turned their heads

and walked away


Da da dam, da da dam

da da da da da da da

Da da dam, da da dam

da da da da da da da

And now I'm going out in the world

to save our planet.

And I ain't coming back

until she's saved.

I'm walking in the footsteps

that young Peter made.

And everybody is welcome to join,

and sing with me:

Da da dam, da da dam

da da da da da da da

Da da dam, da da dam

da da da da da da da

Da da dam, da da dam

da da da da da da da da dam